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How Much Does It Cost to Start Selling on Amazon?


There is no set amount that you need to start selling on Amazon. There are some Amazon sellers that start with as little as $100, and there are others that start with $10,000+. The more money you start with will help you in growing your business quicker. If you have a smaller budget, it may be best to start selling on Amazon using retail arbitrage or wholesale.

Yes! If you have items laying around your home that you no longer need, try selling them on Amazon! Keep in mind that with Amazon’s Individual selling plan, they charge $1 for each item sold so be sure to sell your items for at least $1 so you are making a profit!

Yes, Amazon’s Individual selling plan has no monthly subscription fee. Amazon’s Professional selling plan is $39.99 per month.

Amazon FBA fees will vary for each seller as there are different fee types that depend on what type of product you sell, the size and weight of the product etc. For an in-depth answer, check out this page to learn more!

Amazon’s FBA calculator can help you with roughly calculating how much it will cost to sell your product on its marketplace. If you need help with using the calculator, check out this guide!