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#647 – Remote Fulfillment Credits and Amazon Pricing Hack | Weekly Buzz 3/12/25

We’re back with another episode of the Weekly Buzz with Helium 10’s VP of Education and Strategy, Bradley Sutton. Every week, we cover the latest breaking news in the Amazon, Walmart, and E-commerce space, talk about Helium 10’s newest features, and provide a training tip for the week for serious sellers of any level.

New return credits for Remote Fulfillment with FBA

How to get free delivery on Amazon

New recommended product groups for Ships in Product Packaging program

TikTok To Integrate More ‘Local Services’ Into Its US Commerce Push

Goodbye Amazon and Temu – Aliexpress is ahead of the game in bringing these incredible deals to technology

Plus, we talk about Helium 10’s affiliate program, offering lifetime commissions for those who refer new users, and our new Facebook group for Amazon & TikTok influencers to foster community and knowledge sharing. To wrap things up, we highlight the latest features of the Helium 10 Chrome extension, including a new visual search tool that uses images to find similar products on Amazon, enhancing your product research and discovery efforts. Don’t miss out on these insights and strategies designed to elevate your e-commerce skills.

In this episode of the Weekly Buzz by Helium 10, Bradley covers:

  • 00:59 – FBA Return Credits
  • 02:35 – FBM Pricing Hack
  • 05:12 – SIPP Program
  • 06:19 – TikTok Local
  • 08:00 – Ali Express
  • 09:15 – Helium 10 Referral Program –
  • 10:55 – Influencer FB Group –
  • 11:49 – Helium 10 New Feature Alerts 
  • 13:52 – Strategy of the Week: Child ASIN Variation Sales Performance


Bradley Sutton:

Amazon is giving sellers a credit for FBA. Another Chinese marketplace is gaining market share. There’s a new way to make money with Helium 10. These stories and more on today’s Weekly Buzz. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think. Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I’m your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show. That is our Helium 10 Weekly Buzz, where we give you a rundown of all the goings on in the Amazon, TikTok Shop and e-commerce world. We give you training tips of the week and we let you know what new features that Helium 10 has that will give you serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. Let’s see what’s buzzing.

Bradley Sutton:

This is kind of slim pickings guys for news articles. Like I was looking at the news articles that the team prepared, I’m like what this is it? There’s not much going on, so let’s go ahead and hop into it to see there’s a couple of interesting things I wanted to point out that I think affect sellers out there. So make sure to stay to the end, because we’ve got some cool strategies also at the end. So the first news article of the day is actually from seller central and it is entitled new return credits for remote fulfillment with FBA. And basically what this says is it says, starting March 25th 2025, we’re going to provide you with credits, all right. So this is kind of a break from the normal. What’s the news that we’ve been having lately from Amazon? It’s hey, we’ve got a new fee. No, no, we’re going to get actually get credits, and this is a for return fees for items that are sold and returned through the remote fulfillment with FBA. Um, that’s for, like, Mexico and Brazil, all right. So, as you guys know, we’ve talked about this program before. Remote fulfillment is how you can have your inventory in Amazon FBA USA, right, and then just turn on your listings in Mexico and Brazil and customers there will see it, and then, if they order it, it’s actually going to be shipped from the US FBA warehouse, right? Well, I guess I didn’t realize this that there were some extra fees that sellers were having to pay for if there’s actual returns, but now you are going to get credit for it. According to this article from Amazon. It says this update ensures that you will pay the same fulfillment fees for returns, whether through USFBA or remote fulfillment with FBA. Will issue credits within 30 days after a return. This will probably be something that our Helium 10 tool MRS is going to have to check in to make sure Amazon is doing these returns. But there, if you guys were upset about the amount of kind of like fees in some of your returns from these marketplaces, it looks like you’re going to get some credit.

Bradley Sutton:

Next article is actually something that was geared towards Amazon buyers, but I wanted to bring out a certain point. This article was entitled how to get free delivery on Amazon, and so obviously that you know that’s talking to people who are potentially prime or not prime members. It has some data here. It says more than 300 million items are available with free prime delivery in the US? But let me scroll down here. It says prime is $14 and 99 cents a month. I didn’t realize you could do it my month, but this is the part that’s interesting. Right here it says if you’re not a Prime member, you can get free delivery by spending at least $35 per order in the Amazon store. Now, this is something I just want to use as a reminder. I’ve told you guys a lot of times before that me. Use as a reminder.

Bradley Sutton:

I’ve told you guys a lot of times before that me for my listings. I list everything FBA and also FBM. And part of the reason why listings FBM is because unless it’s $35, I think before it used to be $30, that threshold but what happens is Amazon will put a surcharge for shipping. So like, let’s say, like my coffin shelf right Is $30 on Amazon, if there’s a customer out there that doesn’t have prime, they see it’s $30. They add it to the cart. It actually adds whatever. The shipping is $10. Let’s just say so. Now all of a sudden that $30 coffin shelf becomes $40. And you might lose that sale because now that’s priced out of that range. So that’s one of the reasons I’ve always said hey guys, if you have your own warehouse or your ability to do it, put your, your, your products duly listed so that the the customers who see it FBM, they see the $30. Cause I can kind of like deliver for the same price that Amazon does because I’m not having to pay to ship it to Amazon. But now if I have an FBM listing for $30 or even 31, a customer adds that to the cart. First of all that that $30 there’ll, that’ll probably be in the buy box and then when the customer adds it to the cart, the price is $30 or $31. There’s no shipping added. So now I turned it that customer who might have just like forgotten about my product If he had to pay 40, he’s going to be my customer and go ahead and hopefully check out at that 30 or $31 price. So just remember, if you’re priced below 35, just keep that in mind that you know like, especially if you’re like 34, you know 33, $34,. Some of you might even want to go up to 35. If you think that you have a lot of customers who don’t have Prime and might want to order FBA or even FBM or FBA.

Bradley Sutton:

Next article is going back to Seller Central. It’s an article that says new recommended product groups for ships and product packaging program, all right. So this is something that we talked about on the Weekly Buzz last year, where you can get like a little bit of a break on your shipping fees if you tell Amazon hey, go ahead and ship my product and whatever it is. So that means if I have my coffin shelf in a cardboard box and I feel comfortable with them not having to put that into another box, well, I enroll in this program and then Amazon just sticks like a shipping label on my actual box and they don’t put it in their own Amazon box. So take a look at this article in Seller Central if you think that’s interesting to you, and you’ll see some of the new things that talks about variations and things like that. But, heads up, in a couple of weeks I’m actually going to be interviewing one of the leads of this ships and product packaging departments at Amazon and they’re going to talk all about this program and then you’ll see, hey, is it worth it for you? But in the meantime, take a look at that article that just dropped on your Seller Central dashboard.

Bradley Sutton:

Next article is going to Media Daily News and it’s entitled TikTok to integrate more local services into its US commerce push. Now, this at first I was reading this. I didn’t quite understand it, but it basically said hey, they’re, they’re, they’re hiring all these people and their immediate focus, it says to accelerate offerings on TikTok, it says, but also what, they’re kind of copying, what the do yin I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing it right which is kind of like the TikTok in China, what it would do Like, for example, they invite third-party developers to integrate mini programs that allow users to order food, call cabs, buy tickets to events and more. I’m not familiar, I haven’t used Douyin when I’m in China, but, like I, when I go to other countries, sometimes I’ll see other apps like, for example, actually WeChat in China. You know, like WeChat is almost like social media too, and you can do a whole bunch of stuff. Whenever I go to Korea, I use KakaoTalk and with that KakaoTalk, I can order food, I can order like taxis, I can do a whole bunch of stuff with that app. So, maybe, like, TikTok is moving that instead of just being social media, instead of being TikTok shop, they’re trying to integrate things that that maybe connect with, like local businesses. And again, what’s the whole purpose of this? Well, it gets more people in the platform, and more people in the platform hey, a fraction of those people are going to be more TikTok shop customers. So so that’ll be some interesting news to see what TikTok is going to do. And just the simple fact that that, hey, TikTok is hiring, you know, like if they thought that they were going to get completely shut down, well, they’re probably, you know, wouldn’t be hiring I think.

Bradley Sutton:

Next article is from All right, so I think that means like in Spanish, like somebody who is forward thinking or getting ahead of things. I’m not sure you Spanish speakers, Spanish speakers, can critique me on that, but this says goodbye Amazon and Temu. I doubt that, but it says AliExpress is ahead of the game in bringing incredible deals to technology. So this just talks about how people shipping directly from China, from AliExpress, actually have better deals when it comes to electronics and not just like no name brands we can see here. It’s talking about Samsung Galaxy, it’s talking about Nintendo Switch and some of the prices and then how you can even look at local warehouses for shipping for AliExpress. Well, what does that mean? That must mean that, hey, if you’re an American seller or based here in the US or have a warehouse, you must be able to go ahead and offer products on AliExpress. So if you are doing, maybe, some electronics products and you want to have another platform that gets a lot of traffic, well, AliExpress looks like it might be moving up the ranks and might be better for electronics product to list as opposed to Temu and Shein.

Bradley Sutton:

Next article is not really an article, but you guys know. You know with Helium 10, you make money, but because you know we find you more keywords that can get you more sales, manage your advertising, et cetera, et cetera. But now there’s another way to make money and that’s by actually referring customers, other customers or Amazon sellers to Helium 10. With our affiliate program you can actually get 25% commissions for life. All right, and you don’t have to be a big time influence. Obviously, if you have a blog or YouTube channel, it’ll be easier for you to to to like, attract people. But hey, you’re at the prosper show and you meet somebody who doesn’t know about Helium 10, you can give them your own discount code and basically, let’s say that they become the low pricing plan, a platinum plan for a hundred dollars. Maybe you only had one drink with that person at the Prosper show and you never see them again Two years from now. If they’re still paying Helium 10 for that platinum plan, a hundred dollars a month, it means you have gotten $25 a month for two years. So you’re making hundreds and hundreds of dollars off this one person you had a drink with, who you introduced helium 10 with, and you never have to do anything again. So that’s how easy it is to make money with the helium 10 partner program commissions for life, if you guys want to get more information on it, go to There are people who are bigger influencers who are making ridiculous amounts. We’re paying for their supercars and they’re making thousands and thousands, sometimes five figures a month, just in Helium 10 commission. So definitely give that a try. If you think you can convince some people to sign up for Helium 10,

Bradley Sutton:

One more new Facebook group. Speaking of not affiliates, but like influencers, we started a new Facebook group called Influencer Insider. So you guys remember that we’ve been launching some tools for Amazon influencers. Actually, next week there’s going to be some more tools for it. If you’re interested in the program, like I said, maybe you’re an Amazon seller, you don’t care about it, but hey, this is a way for your kids or your significant others to get into Amazon a little bit by making videos of products and getting affiliate commission from Amazon. Well, we have a full course about that inside of freedom ticket. But if you’re already doing it or you’re interested in you just want to talk to other people who are in the Amazon influencer program, go directly to this group and apply to be in there, even if you have a free account, you’re welcome to be in the Helium 10 Influencer Group. Go to, as in Facebook All right, so that’s it for the news this week.

Bradley Sutton:

Next up, we are going to get into a couple of new Helium 10 feature alerts. All right, pretty cool new Helium 10 feature Alerts. All right, pretty cool new things about the Chrome extension how to use it. Watch this. Whenever you’re in the Chrome extension now, you will see in the search bar this kind of like little search button with a Helium 10 logo. All right, if you have the Chrome extension installed, you can do that and hit the button. It’s going to take you to this page where you can upload a photo. So like say, hey, you had this idea of this bath mat, bat mat product, and you’re like, hey, is anything like this on Amazon? Look at this. It shows up all the products that might look similar to this on Amazon and you can see the price, you can see the information that Helium 10 has and you can see similar products that are bath mats and just by uploading a picture. So that’s pretty cool.

Bradley Sutton:

So that’s one product, the Helium 10 image kind of search utilizing the Amazon image search. You guys probably do that on when you’re using your mobile app, but this is from desktop. You can now do that the other new tools very similar to this, also with the Chrome extension. Let’s say you’re in the Amazon search results, right, and like you had never seen coffin shelves before you see some random product You’re like are there other coffin shelves? You know, like this. So if you put your mouse over, uh, any image on Amazon, you’ll see this button that says find similar. So hit find similar and it will run that same search and now I can see all the different kinds of coffin shelves that kind of look like this one that I just saw randomly on Amazon.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, so another kind of like minor feature. This isn’t something that I would necessarily call hashtag game changing, but it’s pretty cool because it allows you to like get ideas about products or see what kind of products are out there on Amazon based on just an image or a picture on Amazon itself, as opposed to having to type in more keywords or to search different things. So another pretty cool aspect here that Helium 10 Chrome Extension has given you. Don’t forget, if you don’t have the Helium 10 Chrome extension. You can download it for free Let’s now get into the strategy of the week, and it’s how you’re able to know, like for child items, how much sales you’re doing, instead of just being able to know, like the old days that Helium 10 had, where you could just see all of the variations, what kind of sales it was generating so, Shivali, show us how to do that.

Shivali Patel:

For years, Helium 10, like all other sales estimation tools, provided sales data only at the parent level. That meant if a product had multiple variations, different color, sizes or styles, the reported sales number combined all of them into a single total. For example, if you were selling a coffin shelf and had red, blue, green and purple variations, Helium 10 showed a hundred units sold per month. That number included sales for all variations combined. This was because Amazon reports bestseller rank, or BSR, at the parent level, making it impossible to see how each individual variation was performing. However, now Helium 10 is the only tool that lets you break sales down to the child ASIN level directly. With the Chrome extension. This means you can see estimated sales for each specific variation instead of just an overall total.

Shivali Patel:

Let me show you how this works. If you are browsing on Amazon and land on a product with multiple variations, like queen size bed sheets with multiple colors and sizes, you can now run Xray and instantly see both the parent level sales and the individual ASIN level sales, instead of just seeing one large total like 121,000 units sold across all variations. Instead of just seeing one large total like 121,000 units sold across all variations, you’ll now be able to see that a specific color or size sold 13,000 units. This is a huge advantage, because most sellers using other tools are flying in blind. While Amazon does provide some sales data, it’s often vague, only displaying round numbers like 100, 500, 1,000 or 1,000 units, and sometimes those numbers aren’t very accurate. Helium 10, on the other hand, allows you to really drill down and see exactly which variations are selling the most. That means you’re no longer guessing whether a specific color or size is driving a bulk of the sales. You can now make data-driven decisions about inventory, pricing and advertising by targeting the best performing variations.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, thank you very much for that. So, guys, don’t forget, Helium 10 is the only tool that can do that, where you know. If you’re using any other Chrome Extension, the Sales Estimate is only based at, like, the parent level, so you don’t know which of those child items are selling the best. But with Helium 10, we’ve got a very, very highly accurate sales estimates, even at the child level. All right, guys, that’s it for the news and features of this week. We’ll see you next week to see what’s buzzing.

Enjoy this episode? Be sure to check out our previous episodes for even more content to propel you to Amazon FBA Seller success! And don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook page and subscribe to the podcast on iTunesSpotify, or wherever you listen to our podcast.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
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