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How to Find Products to Sell on Amazon


Been sitting at a desk googling “How to find products to sell on Amazon?”

Congratulations! You have discovered the world of selling online.

And truthfully, you ought to be excited. I still remember just how excited I was.

Mastering online sales means being able to make however much money you want, whenever you want, from wherever you want. And the faster you start, the faster you can join the ranks.

If you want to figure out what product idea to base your business on, but you’re not sure how to find products to sell, where to look, or what metrics to check. Fear not.

Just keep reading and you’ll have a basic breakdown of how to conduct product research to find product ideas you can sell on Amazon.

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First, What Is Product Hunting on Amazon?

Product hunting on Amazon is just the process of identifying and selecting potential products to sell on the platform. It’s a vital step for entrepreneurs and sellers looking to establish a profitable Amazon business. This strategic approach involves researching the marketplace to uncover product opportunities that align with market demand, competition, and your own business goals.

Good product research is about finding product niches that have the right balance of demand and competition that will help you stay profitable on Amazon.

Effective product research involves a combination of market analysis, trend identification, and a thorough understanding of the nuances ensuring that there’s room for your e-commerce business to thrive.

Most Amazon sellers often leverage various tools and data analytics to assess factors such as sales volume, customer reviews, and keyword trends to make informed decisions on profitable products. By engaging in product hunting, sellers can identify gaps in the market where they can offer unique value, differentiate their products, and potentially achieve higher profit margins by hedging shipping costs.

Even if you are a new seller navigating the challenges of too much competition, doing the proper due diligence upfront, spending time combing negative and positive reviews, and choosing to sell products that are in high demand can help you avoid a Domino effect of unwanted consequences in business.

How Do I Gather Sales Data for Existing Amazon Products?

So perhaps that leaves you to ask, how do I conduct proper market research to make informed decisions about potential products to sell? By what means can I gather sales data for existing Amazon products?

amazon product information

One impactful way to gather this data is by using Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank (BSR) system. This ranking is provided underneath the Product Information section of any product and provides insights into how well products are performing in their respective categories. A lower BSR indicates higher sales volume, while a higher rank suggests lower sales.

If you are genuinely committed to developing your business, you may also want to invest in a Helium 10 plan that offers access to a number of tools that give sellers the capability to track sales, estimate revenue, and analyze market trends for specific products. These tools can provide valuable information about sales history, pricing fluctuations, and seasonal trends.

search volume for spiral egg rack for fresh eggs

Alternatively, you could also sift customer reviews and ratings to get a better visualization of your prospective customer’s satisfaction, their likes, dislikes, and that particular product’s performance. Products with thousands of reviews can be condensed to the important bits by using Review Insights inside of our free downloadable Chrome Extension.

Review Insights top helpful reviews

By leveraging sales data and insights, sellers can gain a better understanding of which products are in demand and have the potential to generate consistent sales. This information can guide product selection, pricing strategies, and marketing efforts, ultimately contributing to a successful Amazon selling journey.

How Do You Know if a Product Is Profitable on Amazon?

Assessing the revenue potential of a product on Amazon means taking the sourcing price, shipping costs, Amazon fees, and any marketing budget into account.

Any time you are looking to validate a product idea, you will want to browse around a bit on sites like Alibaba, DHGate, and TradeIndian to find what it might cost you to source a product.

You can also directly do that from inside of our Chrome Extension by clicking Xray, and then, Find Suppliers on Alibaba to see a lot of backend data such as FBA fees for your competitor products, seller country, dimensions, monthly sales, and how it has changed over time and more.

Find suppliers on alibaba

Once you have a rough estimate for sourcing costs, you can click into a product listing and click on the Profitability Calculator to play around with additional metrics and understand if a product is worth investing in. As you can see from the screenshot below, I inputted a manufacturing cost of $5 keeping the retail price at $29 to get a net profit in the $6-7 range.

Profitability calculator

The product’s profit margins are calculated by taking the difference between the selling price and the total cost, including manufacturing, shipping, and Amazon fees. This margin should allow for a reasonable profit after all expenses are accounted for.

Other variables that could play a role include dimensions. If I change to add one inch to the product above, it shaves my net profit down to $2.

Profitability Calculator

And of course, markets ebb and flow. Demand changes over time as does the number of competitors in your pool. Look for products with consistent and high demand as they have a better chance of being profitable. You can reference historical information inside of our Chrome Extension, Black Box (our primary product research tool), Cerebro (our reverse ASIN keyword research tool), Market Tracker (competitor intelligence tool), and more.

A highly competitive market can make it challenging to maintain a profitable edge. Analyzing the number of competitors, their product offerings, and customer reviews can give a clearer picture of the competitive landscape. Opt for the niches with lower customer reviews and sufficient demand.

Ultimately, it is the combination of all these factors that will entail profitable profit margins.

Which Product Research Tool Is Best for Amazon FBA?

Of course, I’m going to sound biased when I say Helium 10.

However, that statement is also something I can vouch for as when I was getting started in the Amazon space, I did my product research manually going through categories and subcategories.

Later, I used Jungle Scout and Manage by Stats.

But I’ve found that when it comes to finding profitable products for Amazon FBA, Helium 10 has some of the most comprehensive and effective Amazon seller tools available. With its wide range of features and tools, Helium 10 supports sellers whether they are looking to do product research, learn about how to sell on Amazon, do in-depth market analysis, make informed decisions, or scale their growing business.

One of the key tools we have for product research is Black Box, which allows sellers to search for product ideas based on various criteria such as category, monthly sales, price range, and more. This data-driven approach helps sellers identify niches with high demand and potential profitability within minutes while simultaneously providing valuable insights into a product’s sales history, estimated revenue, and competitor data.

This information helps sellers understand the competitive landscape and make strategic choices.

Another option is using Cerebro. Though the tool is meant to aid in keyword research, equipping sellers with the information they need to optimize their product listings for relevant search terms, enhancing their visibility and discoverability once they have a product sourced, you can also use the tool during the product research phase to have a broader perspective on what your marketing budget may need to look like down the road. Seeing many keywords that have search volume, low competition for title density, and CPR or an affordable PPC bid can be comforting information to guide your decisions.

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The Best Strategies to Find Products to Sell on Amazon

Use a Product Research Tool

I mean I know I just said this. But why not? I’ll reiterate it here. Using a product research tool is one of the easiest ways.

Black Box is our primary product research tool whether you are on the search for your first product or your next one. The tool processes over 2 billion points daily and you can use it to comb through a database of over 450 million Amazon products to find a private-label product that fits the bill of what you have in mind.

Use the available smart filters to uncover opportunities based on your exact needs and preferences be it avoiding saturated markets, gauging consumer demand, finding low-competition niches, or best selling products that have a gap in the market you can fill.

Black Box- Amazon phrases research

Let’s say you wanted to quantify demand for a specific niche. In that case, you could use the search volume filter. Search volume gives you insight into how many times a particular keyword is being typed into the search bar every single month on Amazon. Naturally, if people are searching for the products, you might be looking at profitable niches.

You could also apply one or multiples of the other filters, such as category/subcategory, review rating, number of sellers, monthly revenue, monthly sales, shipping weight/size, best seller rank filter, etc. I’ll leave which filters you input up to you because the opportunity is dependent on your circumstances: how much upfront capital you can invest, what product category you’re interested in selling in if any, the types of selling fees you are willing to incur and so forth.

Just bear in mind that seeing a product listed as an output inside of Blackbox does not necessarily mean that is the product you should run with.

Blackbox product list

Rather, it is a good starting point to begin sifting product ideas to find one you can be happy with launching as your own.

From there, you will want to validate your shortlist of hopefully 15-30 potential product ideas to understand if the niche has low competition, the lifespan of the niche, evergreen historical sales trends, affordable shipping costs, high-profit margins, and customer feedback you can use to create a better customer experience.

Taking your time in selecting a product idea and validating your shortlist before you jump into a product idea head first will give you a better return on investment than so many of your other decisions. Consider the bigger picture, be cautious, and do your due diligence in advance.

Use a Keyword Research Tool

Another way you can find products to sell is by turning to keyword research. Sometimes, it is not about finding something new, but rather about repurposing what already works. By using a tool like Helium 10’s Cerebro, you can go into niches you are perhaps interested in or are already selling products in, do a reverse ASIN search to find associated product ideas that have established sales volume and could be a great way to expand your product line.

Reverse ASIN search

For example, by running a multi-product search on our egg tray niche and excluding phrases containing “rack, tray, holder, holders,” we found some variety in our product categories. As seen in the screenshot above, you begin to find eccentric goodies like a “skull easter basket, egg washer for fresh eggs, wooden egg crate box” — all of which would be decent ideas we could further explore to build out our Gui’s Chicken Coop brand.

Pro tip: If you want to branch outside of Amazon, you can also check Pinterest Trends which statistically does a decent job at picking up trending products before they rise in search volume on Amazon.

Leverage Market Tracker

Now, I’ve talked to a number of our users who use our tools in manners other than what they were first created for. Our competitor intelligence tool is one such example.

Market Tracker

Market Tracker by Helium 10 is a valuable tool for Amazon sellers aiming to uncover new product ideas to sell on Amazon and grow their e-commerce business.

Although Market Tracker’s original pitch is to help you create your own target markets and provide product suggestions for new products flowing in and out of the market, gaining a competitive advantage by observing your competitors before they notice you, you can widen your scope. Go beyond tracking a few products or keywords and discover new product ideas. This can be done while backed with knowledge about the category’s market share, sales, pricing, best seller rank, and revenue data

To begin your product research, just log in to your Helium 10 account or sign up if you’re not already a user.

Access the Market Tracker tool, included for any Amazon seller with a Helium 10 plan (note* this is different from Market Tracker 360).

Market Tracker 360

Here, you can begin tracking a new market by clicking the button in the top right-hand corner, giving it a name relevant to the niche or product category you’re exploring alongside some relevant keywords that reflect the products you wish to monitor and ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers). You can do this regardless of whether you are scouting for private-label products or retail arbitrage.

Create a new market

Market Tracker will then continuously gather data on these products or keywords, allowing you to analyze trends and opportunities over time. Configure your tracking settings by selecting your desired marketplace, specifying the tracking frequency, setting the date range for historical data, and indicating whether you want to track specific products or keywords once your market has been created.

Once your tracker is set up, Market Tracker begins collecting data and you can screen this data to spot trends and identify potential product opportunities that align with your own online business goals.

In the example of this coffin shelf market, we can already see some variety in related products which we can add to our list of potential products to sell.

Potential products

Look for products with consistent sales, rising demand, or gaps in the market that you can fill as an Amazon seller aiming to sell online. Paying special attention to factors such as sales rank, and price changes, and reviewing trends to make informed decisions.

Find What’s Trending

Tap into graph icons inside any of our tools to check out historical information. The last thing you want to do is launch a product only to find out it was seasonal. Then, you’re left with a handful of products and no one willing to buy with money eating away in your pocket. Just click and you’ll be able to see how the product, keyword, or market holds over time.

Cerebro IQ Score

Find Which Categories Are Best and Which Ones to Avoid

Not all product categories are created equal, and what works for one seller may not work for another. You’ll want to consider your own resources, budget, and expertise when selecting a category. Certain categories, such as electronics or high-end fashion, may require a substantial initial investment and a deep understanding of the market. Looking at top-selling items within various product categories on Amazon pages can show you products with a track record of generating revenue. Or explore the “Hot New Releases” section, where you can spot emerging trends and identify potentially lucrative products gaining traction in the market.

On the other hand, less competitive categories might offer easier entry but potentially lower profit margins. Additionally, be mindful of Amazon’s category restrictions and specific requirements, which can vary across different niches. A successful Amazon seller carefully evaluates all these factors to make informed decisions about which categories align best with their business model, resources, and long-term goals, ultimately building a profitable Amazon store.

Analyze Successful Amazon Products

To effectively analyze successful Amazon products using the Xray Chrome extension, begin by installing the extension from the Chrome Web Store and activating it. Once installed, navigate to Amazon’s website and select the product category you’re interested in, whether it’s a niche or broader category. While on an Amazon product page, click on the Xray extension icon in your browser’s toolbar to activate the tool. Xray will then provide you with a wealth of data about the product, including its Best Seller Rank (BSR), estimated monthly sales, pricing, number of reviews, historical pricing, and sales performance. You can also analyze the competition by viewing top competitors and assessing their BSR and sales data. With this information, you can evaluate the product’s potential profitability, considering factors like pricing, demand, and competition.

Additionally, Xray offers keyword research data, which is valuable for optimizing product listings and PPC campaigns. You can save products for later comparison and track historical data to monitor changes over time. Armed with Xray’s insights, you can make informed decisions about which products to pursue in your Amazon business. However, remember to use X-ray in conjunction with other research methods and adhere to Amazon’s policies and guidelines when conducting product research and selling on the platform.

Leverage Other Sites Like Etsy and Pinterest

Just because you plan to sell on Amazon does not mean you have to start on Amazon.

Sometimes, you can find trends as they’re picking up before they hit Amazon. On Etsy, you can delve into the bestseller lists within your chosen niche to identify products that are in high demand. Additionally, explore unique and standout items on the platform, as these may serve as valuable inspirations for your Amazon offerings. Pay close attention to customer reviews to understand consumer preferences and concerns, and conduct pricing research to gauge competitive pricing strategies for your potential Amazon listings. If you didn’t know, you can also click the Helium 10 Chrome Extension and use our Demand Analyzer on Etsy and Pinterest pages to do a reverse search on Amazon.

On Pinterest, search for keywords relevant to your niche and explore trending pins to identify products generating significant interest. Pinterest boards curated by users can offer rich insights into product ideas and trends within your target market. Take note of the associated keywords on trending pins, which can enhance your Amazon listing optimization while observing the visual aesthetics and styles that resonate with Pinterest users, as this can guide your product photography and branding on Amazon.

While Etsy and Pinterest are valuable sources for product inspiration, remember to complement your research with in-depth analysis on Amazon. Evaluate factors such as competition, customer reviews, and sales rank to assess the potential success of your chosen products. Leveraging dedicated product research tools can streamline your efforts and provide data-driven insights into top-selling products to propel your success in the world of Amazon selling.

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Look at What Amazon Affiliates Are Pushing

To discover product ideas by observing what Amazon affiliates are promoting, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify Amazon Affiliate Websites: Start by finding Amazon affiliate websites and blogs. These websites often promote Amazon products and earn commissions on sales generated through their affiliate links. You can find these websites by searching for product reviews, recommendations, or niche-specific blogs on search engines or social media platforms.
  2. Analyze Affiliate Content: Once you’ve identified relevant affiliate websites, browse their content. Look for product reviews, “best of” lists, and recommendations. Affiliates often create content around popular and profitable products. Pay attention to the products they are promoting, their features, and the reasons why they recommend them.
  3. Check Affiliate Platforms: Amazon has its Affiliate Program (Amazon Associates), where affiliates can access a vast catalog of products to promote. Explore the Amazon Associates website to see trending products and categories. You can also search for popular affiliate blogs and social media groups related to Amazon Associates.
  4. Social Media and Forums: Engage with social media platforms and forums where Amazon affiliates congregate. Reddit, Facebook Groups, and niche-specific forums are great places to discover affiliates discussing their successful promotions. Keep an eye out for the products they are enthusiastic about and their reasons for promoting them.
  5. Use Affiliate Tracking Tools: Some online tools and platforms allow you to track affiliate promotions and trends. Tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush can help you identify websites and blogs that are driving traffic to Amazon product pages.
  6. Analyze Affiliate Reviews: Dive deep into affiliate reviews. Read both positive and negative reviews to understand customer pain points and preferences. This can help you identify opportunities to improve existing products or create innovative variations.
  7. Keyword Research: Conduct keyword research to identify search terms that affiliates are targeting in their content. This can provide insights into popular products and niches. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush can assist in this process.
  8. Consider Niche Trends: Keep an eye on emerging trends within specific niches. Affiliates often adapt to new consumer preferences and market trends. Identifying these trends early can lead to profitable product ideas.
  9. Competitor Analysis: Look at competitors in your target niche. Identify successful affiliates within the same niche and analyze their strategies. This can help you gain insights into which products are performing well.
  10. Create Unique Value: While observing what Amazon affiliates are promoting is a valuable source of inspiration, strive to add your unique value proposition to any products you decide to sell. This could involve offering superior customer service, bundling products, or finding untapped sub-niches within a broader category.

By keeping a keen eye on Amazon affiliates and their promotions, you can uncover product ideas that have already proven successful and tailor them to your own business strategy. Remember that market research, validation, and understanding your target audience are crucial steps before launching any product.

When You’ve Made the List

Remember, don’t just run with your first searches. Experiment. Refine your product selection and evaluate the profitability of potential products using Helium 10’s other product research tools like Black Box or Xray. Assess competition levels, potential profit margins, and product costs to determine the viability of your chosen products before you launch your private label brand.

As you narrow down your options and develop your product ideas, perform keyword research using Helium 10’s tools to identify relevant keywords and understand just how well you will be able to optimize your product listings and how quickly you will be able to rank for the pertinent keywords saving you time, money, and effort in the long run.

And just a secondary pro tip I want to share from a costly mistake in my experience: have your Amazon seller account set up before your products get into your intended marketplace to avoid wasting time and funds.

Ready to start selling? With Helium 10’s suite of tools, effectively find top-selling products and jumpstart your own success story to build a private label products brand in the world of e-commerce.

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