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Episode 55 – A Master of Amazon Video Ads with Advice on Product Launches, Giveaways, and Building Audiences

Have you always wanted to include Amazon video ads as part of your Amazon product launch strategy, but thought the cost might be prohibitive? On today’s episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Helium 10’s Director of Training and Customer Success, Bradley Sutton talks to Jeff Lieber, an authority on Amazon video ads and CEO of Turnkey Product Management about giveaways, product launches, growing your audience, both on and off of Amazon and why a cell phone video is just fine.

In episode 55 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley and Jeff discuss:

  • 01:05 – What is Jeff’s Origin Story?
  • 02:52 – How to Scale “On-Amazon” Giveaways
  • 04:00 – OK, What Exactly is an “On-Amazon” Giveaway Anyhow?
  • 04:50 – A $1000 Expenditure Leads to 175,000 Views and $10,000 in Sales
  • 05:18 – How On-Amazon Giveaways Help Products Thrive on Amazon
  • 06:44 – Supercharge the Strategy by Retargeting with Google and YouTube Ads  
  • 10:30 – Giving Away Competitors’ Merchandise to Promote Your Own Products
  • 11:20 – Does Jeff Have a Preferred Giveaway Method?
  • 12:20 – How to Run Giveaways Within Seller Central
  • 13:25 – When it Comes to Video, the More the Merrier
  • 16:13 – Some Examples of the Positive Effects of Video
  • 17:15 – Videos Can Be Repurposed for a Huge ROI (Return on Investment)
  • 18:40 – Jeff – “Start Where You Are, Cell Phone Videos are Just Fine”
  • 21:05 – How to Build Your Off-Amazon Audience  
  • 25:30 – Off-Amazon Success Stories  
  • 27:28 – Make Sure Your Giveaway Merchandise Attracts Your Target Audience
  • 35:44 – Huge Props for Helium 10 from Jeff and How to Contact Him

Enjoy this episode? Be sure to check out our previous episodes for even more content to propel you to Amazon FBA Seller success! And don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook page and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play or wherever you listen to our podcast.

Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Ultimate Resource Guide: Discover the best tools and services to help you dominate on Amazon.
  • Helium 10: 20+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation. 
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.


Bradley Sutton: Today, we’re going to talk to someone who will tell us how we can and should be using video more with our Amazon listings, how to build off-Amazon audiences and also a way that costs an Amazon seller less than a thousand dollars but that got them over 170,000 video views for their product. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think.

Bradley Sutton: How’s it going, everybody? Welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast. I’m your host, Bradley Sutton, and today, I have a fellow San Diegan with me here. We’ve got Jeff from Turnkey Product Management. Jeff, how’s it going?

Jeff Lieber: Hey, Bradley. It’s going great over here. Thank you so much for having me on.

Bradley Sutton: Awesome. Awesome. Now, you and I are suffering from such a sweltering hot day. It is like 82 degrees here in California, which is unbearable for us spoiled San Diegans, right?

 Jeff Lieber: A little extreme over here. Exactly.

Bradley Sutton: Yeah, and everybody else right now who’s in hundred-degree weather, they’re like, “Oh my God, you guys don’t know how good you have it.” But yeah, we’re a little spoiled out here weather-wise. But anyway, tell me a little bit about you. I literally know nothing about you other than you live in San Diego near the house where I used to teach private Zumba for five years. So other than that, I’m not sure what we have in common. Were you an Amazon seller? Tell us your origin story, as I like to call it.

Jeff Lieber: Sure. I started out around 2014, and I started a pet products company and launched it on, and so, I did start with a private label business, and I ran that for a few years and grew that to a good amount. And then, after that, I had a couple of friends who had started a sunglasses company. So they reached out, and we were just keeping in touch. They said, “Hey, can you help me with Amazon?” because they weren’t getting great sales on Amazon. And so, I gave him some tips, and then, they were like, “Well, can you just do it for us?” I said, “Okay, sure, I guess.” And they were like, “We’ll pay you.” I’m like, “Okay, sweet.” They’re like, “What do you charge?” I’m like, “I don’t know. What should I charge?”

Jeff Lieber: And they were like, “How about this?” I’m like, “That sounds great.” And there was my first consulting client, you could say. And it was just fun working with my friends because they were really great at launching products on Kickstarter and then Shopify. And so, I helped them grow like I think 10x their Amazon channel in the first year or something like that. And then, that was when I realized, “Wow, that could be a really viable model.” And so fast forward to today, I ended up selling the pet products company, because I liked doing the consulting and the agency stuff more. So I sold the pet products company to focus on Turnkey Product Management, and now, we help clients to grow their sales and scale on Amazon.

Bradley Sutton: Okay, cool. Now, you know my buddy over here, Sean, who’s one of our affiliate managers and he’s talked to you a lot more than I have, mentioned that you utilize—to do that very thing that you’re talking about scaling and things—the Amazon giveaways. Now, in this sense, we’re not talking about what some people call giveaways. Other people call it discount promotions where it’s usually done in the launch stage. You’re giving away products at a high discount. But this is actually using the on-Amazon giveaway feature. Is that correct information I have that that is something that you leverage in order to help grow Amazon businesses?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah, so I mean as you know, Amazon and the strategies that are working are changing all the time. But right now, this strategy is still working super well. It’s one of the first things that we recommend or roll out for our full service or coaching clients. And so, yeah, I’d be happy to share how it works so that your listeners can go and try it if they haven’t done it yet if you’d like.

Bradley Sutton: Okay. Yeah. So first of all, I personally have used this giveaway to send people to YouTube or different things. But I would say there’s maybe 90% of our listeners who, when they hear the word giveaway, they might be thinking about the other thing I mentioned. Can you at least first just give a brief overview of the program, like what it is and where people can find it and when it kind of started, et cetera.

Jeff Lieber: Yeah, absolutely. If you go to and just search in the search bar for giveaways, it will pull up the page, or you can go to, so you’ll see that it’s this beautiful page where there are just tons of products listed there where people can—shoppers—enter to win a giveaway. And it’s now sorted by category. Amazon’s really evolved this a lot and so people will enter. Maybe you have a supplement or maybe you have a CrossFit accessory, and you can be in the sporting goods category, put your product there, and shoppers we’ll go there. And the beautiful thing is that you only have to give away a couple of units. One of our clients—I love telling this story—spent $1,000 in giveaway costs over two months and that’s in product costs. You give away products at cost, they were able to gain 175,000 YouTube views from this strategy and got $10,000 in trackable sales from it. It was an incredible ROI (return on investment) and we’re just running it on repeat—rinse and repeat—over and over for them.

Bradley Sutton: Cool. Cool. What are some of the problems this can solve or goals this can help somebody achieve? Obviously, the other kind of discount giveaways we were talking about is usually strictly about trying to help how you show up in search results for keywords. Now, this Amazon giveaway has almost nothing to do with keywords necessarily. In that sense, a lot of people are like, “Well what is this used for?” How can leveraging the Amazon giveaway program actually help a product on Amazon?

Jeff Lieber: Yes, it’ll increase your visibility. It’s great for brand awareness. They’re clicking on it, because they’re interested in your product, and then you have them watch a video that you can upload to YouTube. And the nice thing as well is that Amazon is not currently really monitoring what you’re putting in that video. So our clients, we put some videos that are offering them extra coupons or sales or something. It’s great! You might get, say, 2000 people to watch a YouTube video, and you only have to give away two units.

Jeff Lieber: 2 out of 2000 will win, and then 1,998 people will “lose.” But those 1,998 people, you can give them a coupon code or an offer to buy the product after they find out that they lost or one way to supercharge the strategy is that after they watched that YouTube video, you can put a retargeting pixel on that video. You can retarget all of those people that watch the video with ads through Google Ads and YouTube ads. That’s a way to supercharge the strategy that a lot of people don’t know about, I think. And that’s how our client was able to get from basically $1,000 in costs, get a new audience of 175,000 people that they’re retargeting with ads, and they’re actually driving them back to their Shopify store with those ads. So it’s a way to take advantage of that Amazon traffic, and then you can either redirect them back to Amazon, which is awesome, or you can redirect them to wherever you want—to a landing page, a squeeze page. You can do anything that you want with that video. And those are the best ways that we found to use it.

Bradley Sutton: That thousand dollars that they had spent, can you break that down a little bit? I mean, maybe the products itself that had to be purchased to give away was a very small fraction, and I’m assuming the rest is in that retargeting? What was the strategy there?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah. It was actually mainly just in product costs, the actual costs because you do have to give away the product at full price.

Bradley Sutton: And also, it was more than just a couple of units we’re talking about here. Was that a big part of it then?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah. It was running multiple giveaways over a two-month period. And it’s an expensive product that they’re giving away. It was over a hundred-dollar product. It was a super valuable product, but the ROI was incredible, and the audience that they built was incredible. We’re just running that like clockwork with them right now and with a lot of our clients.

Bradley Sutton: Did I hear it right? You said 175,000 people saw that?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah, for that thousand dollars in product costs, we’ve got 175,000 people to watch their professional branded sales video for their products. Yep.

Bradley Sutton: That’s crazy. And that goes with something I’ve heard before. I’m not sure if it was one of my guests before or somebody I just talked to, but another strategy—because things like this can get so many views to YouTube—that some people use is they contact influencers in their niche and they say, “Hey, we’d love you to do an unboxing video or something, but instead of offering them money, you offer them views.” Because a lot of these influencers, they want exposure, they want to show that they have videos that have thousands and tens of thousands of views and if you can tell them, “Hey, I can guarantee you 10,000 hits on this,” they’ll end up doing the video for free in exchange for that. Have you, have you guys ever heard of something like that or actually leveraged that at all?

Jeff Lieber: No, that’s a great idea. We haven’t contacted influencers for that, but a couple of our clients do have a YouTube channel, and so they quickly realize the power in that. And so it’s helped them gain traction on their YouTube channel. Now, even when they post non-Amazon videos, they have a much stronger channel, because they’re getting hundreds of thousands of views. But that influencer strategy would be a way to supercharge it as well. I love that.

Bradley Sutton: Excellent. Okay, good. Let’s see what else. I know in the past, in the very, very beginning, if I’m not mistaken, this program also could have made the person “like” a Twitter page or “like” a Facebook page or something. But now, is it exclusively to watch YouTube videos or are there still other options of what the person has to do in order to qualify for the giveaway?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah, good question. There are still other options, and we’ve tested them, but for our clients and what we’ve seen, the YouTube is just absolutely the most bang-for-your-buck option there, but it’s worth testing those other ones if you’re trying to increase your social media followers or whatever you’re trying to do, but it’s tough to get that same virality with those other methods. But it’s definitely worth trying.

Bradley Sutton: Okay. And then, if somebody is launching a product and maybe nobody knows what their product is, they don’t have to give away their own product. They could go and find a big brand name competitor who’s selling on Amazon. And as long as they have that Amazon giveaway activated, they can actually run the giveaway on the competitors’ product, because it’s more known. But then everybody is watching a video about their product, right?

Jeff Lieber: Exactly. If you’re selling a new organic charcoal toothbrush, you can give away a multipack of Crest toothpaste—something that people trust and know like, “Oh, sweet. I need a new toothpaste. I’ll get some. I’ll try to enter for that.” But then, they watch your video, and you know they’re interested in that. So yeah, there are five different ways to use it, and that’s another great way as well.

Bradley Sutton: Which method do you suggest that people use when they run this? There have been so many; probably in over a year since I’ve done this, there’s are different options of when you’re choosing the giveaway or the contest type, like random or random number or one out of a hundred, but do you guys have a suggestion on which one you think works the best?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah, so the lowest cost and one that we recommend is just choosing the largest number of entrants possible and the fewest number of giveaway products. And once they reach 2000 or 3000 entrants, then they’ll randomly choose two or three winners. That’s normally the ratio that we do. It is different by category. So if you’re in a different category, then they may only let you enter 500 people into the giveaway. It does differ by category, but we recommend doing just the random and choosing the highest number of entrance possible.

Bradley Sutton: Okay. And where can people go on Amazon to actually run this? Is it still: you could do it from the product page itself at the very bottom and you can do it from your own seller central account. Has that changed at all? If I were a user and I just want to kind of play around with this and experiment. Where can they go find these?

Jeff Lieber: Yup. Those are still the two places that are there. In seller central, under the advertising tab, and under the promotions, it will be listed under there. Or if you want to do it on your own product, just go to your product detail page and scroll down, and you’ll see there’s a section that says, “giveaway” and “creates a giveaway” and then you can click it there to do it. And likewise, you can go on your competitors’ product pages like you said, and give away two units of their product, but they’ll watch your product video and maybe they’ll choose and buy your product instead.

Bradley Sutton: Okay, cool. That sounds pretty cool. Now, we’re talking about videos here on YouTube and getting people to watch. But I also know you guys are pretty experienced with leveraging videos on Amazon itself. Now, of course, I know you would suggest that if people have the brand registry and they have EBC (enhanced brand content) they should definitely upload a video as one of their products images, and we can talk about that in a little bit. But as far as the related video shorts, is that still something that you suggest that anybody really tries to focus on?

Jeff Lieber: It hasn’t been the biggest bang-for-your-buck place to put the video, but in my opinion, anywhere you can put the videos, the more the better. We still do that for clients. But I would say adding it up to the image block typically has a much better boost in conversion and visibility-wise as well.

Bradley Sutton: Okay. If they do have the ability—which I believe the only way still is through EBC, right? That’s the only thing that gives you the option to put videos in your image block?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah, exactly. And typically you’ve got to have brand registry approved so you have to have a trademark and all that good stuff. And so, if you don’t have that, I would definitely recommend that you start that process as soon as possible.

Bradley Sutton: Okay. Let’s fast forward. Somebody listens today. They go to one of our services; we actually have that people can get the trademarks. They get their trademark; they apply for brand registry; they got brand registry; and now, they’re ready to put a video on their image block. What are some best practices? Should it be unboxing videos? Should it just be a 360-view video? Should it be a lifestyle video? What works best in your opinion?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah. Honestly, the first rule of thumb is that any video is better than no video. Some people really complicate it or overthink it;  just don’t ever get to the point where they even just make a video. Even if you have a do-it-yourself video or a slideshow, a video with photos, if that’s all you have, throw that up; you can always change it and upgrade later. I would say definitely test it, and then, as far as what type of video would be ideal, it does sort of depend on your product category, I would say. At the end of the day, anything that will help sell your product—like if you’re product needs education to educate them how to use it, then probably a demonstrable video would be a really good way to do that. But, you might follow more of a lifestyle, like using the product out in nature, having live models using it. It totally depends what your product type is, but at the end of the day, whatever you think will help sell your product in one to two minutes ideally. And some people do brand videos and all that good stuff. And that that’s all good too. It’s whatever makes sense for your brand.

Bradley Sutton: Okay, cool. Do you have any examples—you don’t have to give me the specific product or anything—of maybe one of your clients or network where they didn’t have videos before, but then now, they added a video and they saw a 5% increase in sale or they saw a 7% increase in conversion? Do you have any figures like that that you can share where it can kind of get people motivated like, “Hey, this is something that we definitely should think about”?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah, absolutely. So, let’s see, one of our clients jumped from a 10% conversion rate on their page to over a 14% conversion rate on the page. So, they jumped from 10 to 14%. That is actually almost like a 50% bump.

Bradley Sutton: Wow, just by adding the video.

Jeff Lieber: Yeah but they really have a strong video. It also depends on how strong your page was beforehand and how much that video will help and how well done is the video. That’s what’s possible absolutely. But the other thing is that video can be used in so many other ways. If you’re selling a product in this day and age, you can use video and not just on Amazon, but you can use it on social media. If you have a Shopify store, you can have your videos there. You can produce one video at one time and then you can repurpose that and use it for the next couple of years. The ROI on that is a no-brainer in my opinion. And yeah, you’ll probably get an immediate Amazon conversion and sales boost as well. But I would say it’s definitely worth investing in getting a video made and using that in your business.

Bradley Sutton: Now, if somebody doesn’t have the technical know-how or equipment to make a high quality—like you don’t have to have professional video from a Hollywood director or something, but some people are like, “you know what, I’m very picky about what I put on my listing. I could probably make a decent video with my camera phone here, but I really want to go a little bit better quality. What can somebody expect to pay to get a nicely done one-minute video nowadays?

Jeff Lieber: Sure. It can be as little as free and it can be as much as $30,000, depending on if you’re getting commercial-made video. What I would recommend is just start where you are and where you’re at in your business and throw something up.

Jeff Lieber: At the end of the day, cell phone cameras and videos that you can make with your cell phone, that’s plenty of good quality. If you can do a selfie video or just having someone demonstrate the product, that’s a great place to start. An even easier place to start is if you just use your photos. I’m assuming everyone has at least, hopefully, nine photos, really quality photos of their product. You could put that into a slideshow using PowerPoint or there’s free software like, Prezi with a “z”— where you can take those and put it into a slideshow and then you can even narrate over the video or hire a narrator off of a fiver or websites like that. Or we can do a screen-share video as well using Zoom or Bloom, something like that.

Jeff Lieber: Those are the cheapest ways. You can do that for under 50 bucks, under 100 bucks. If you’re selling thousands of dollars a month, I would say it’s definitely worth just hiring at least a professional video editor off of like or Upwork. There are so many places that you can find these people and for usually under like 200, 300 bucks, you can have a real professional throw together a great one-minute video. That’s the easiest place to start. And if you want, then the highest level would be to actually hire a videographer and do a shoot with it, and that can cost a couple of thousand bucks at least. I ran a Kickstarter back in the day, and it cost us about five grand to do it, but it was a video for the next two years; that sold over $1 million of that product. Those are some options for people, but I would say just start with where you are and get something, get some video made and up and running.

Bradley Sutton: Okay. That sounds great. And I think it’s definitely something that we shouldn’t always have to overthink or I think that we do have to pay money. And like you said, any video is better than nothing. All of these things, having a nice video on your page, sending people to YouTube, it’s kind of all tied into helping to build a brand as opposed to just selling random products on Amazon like everybody used to do before. Another important factor in building a brand, in my opinion, is building your audience. What are some of your suggestions on how somebody can start utilizing or building their off-Amazon audience so that their brand awareness gets out there?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah, absolutely. If you can master this or at least do a decent job of it, you’re going to be so much more successful on Amazon. And so some of the things that come to mind are building a launch list, building a prelaunch list, and here’s one of the ways that we do that. And even if you’re not launching a new product, you should be growing your audience off of Amazon, even if you’re not launching a product, because it’s just good to have a larger audience. Right? And so, one of the ways, the simplest way, is to have some sort of landing page, a squeeze page, where you’re building a launch list, where you’re giving them some sort of incentive to sign up, whether that’s some sort of giveaway or something related to your product.

Jeff Lieber: You’re giving away 10 of your products to people that are interested in your product and they have to give you their email or follow you on social media. If you can give them some sort of prize or get them to sign up and give you their information, that’s one of the best ways. And one thing that’s been really helpful for our clients is giveaway tracking software out there that can help you manage these giveaways. And so, I don’t know if you’ve heard of Gleam or Rafflecopter; there’s a number of those sorts of software out there. Have you ever used any of those?

Bradley Sutton: No, I haven’t actually.

Jeff Lieber: Okay, cool. These can be really, really helpful.  I’ll use gleam as an example. We’ve used that one, and it works really, really well. Let’s say you’re launching a product of resistance bands, right? You’re in the sporting goods niche, and so you will run a giveaway and you’ll say, “I’m giving away $1,000 worth of resistance bands over the next 30 days, and you need to enter the giveaway.” And then you could add other things, other complementary products that include all of them. It’s a great way to advertise your whole product line. Another way to supercharge it is if you have any relationships with other companies or complementary companies or influencers, they might want to help with a giveaway, something that helps them as well.

Jeff Lieber: And so, you can have a dual giveaway with multiple influencers or companies, and you can tap into both of your audiences. But what’s cool about this software is that it can provide people multiple ways to enter the giveaway. You can say “increase your chances of winning by…”. or “if you give us your email address to enter this $10,000 giveaway, then you get one entry. If you follow us on Instagram, you get three entries. If you tag three friends and get them to enter, then you get five giveaways. If you follow our YouTube channel, you get two additional entries. You can increase your chances.” And so, this can be really helpful too if you, let’s say, only have an email list right now, like you’re not big on social media, but you do have a good email list.

Jeff Lieber: Well, this is a great way to get your current list to follow you on multiple channels, multiple places to follow you as well as it will multiply because you’re going to bring in new people by people tagging their friends, and taking action and getting it out there. And then, as I said, if you can tap into someone else’s audience and say, “okay, okay, if you follow company x, and our company on Instagram, and follow both of us, then you get 10 entries or eight entries, right? You incentivize those big ones so you can tap into their influencers or the other companies’ audience as well because they should be posting about it too. You can build up, in the 30-day period, thousands of people onto this list and at the end of it, then you can say, here are the winners and now, “oh, thank you so much for entering. Here’s a 10% off coupon to go purchase on Amazon.” Once you have built that audience, you have the audience for life and now you can use it for Amazon, for Shopify, for whatever you want to do. That’s something that just helps take the pain away from how I get people into my audience.

Bradley Sutton: Wow. Okay. What are some success stories from here—where maybe somebody was just on Amazon, they were doing decent but then after they started building these outside audiences, it helped their Shopify, it helped their Amazon business, et cetera? Are there any examples of some of your clients or something that maybe you can talk about?

Jeff Lieber: Sure. When I first ever did this, and it was when I used to help run another pet products company that we were launching on Kickstarter. We had zero audiences; there were zero brands. We just had one product that we were developing, and we were on Kickstarter. We had no one to launch it to, and we didn’t have hardly any money. And so all that we did was we used that software. I think we used Glean, and we were able to build up over 10,000 people in 30 days onto our list and following us on different places. And then, that was who we exactly launched our Kickstarter campaign to. We were targeting to raise 5,000 bucks on Kickstarter, and we ended up raising over $30,000 in 30 days. And so that kickstarted that whole business starting with zero audiences. And then in 30 days, we had over 10,000 people and then a bunch of purchasers, and we ended up selling over a million dollars of that product.

Jeff Lieber: We could have that just as easily use that audience afterwards for Amazon after the Kickstarter was finished. That’s how quickly you can grow an audience that actually is interested in buying. And then the one tip I have is that you don’t want to just do one of those giveaways where we’re giving away $500 in Amazon gift cards to people, because then, you’re going to get a bunch of people that are only interested in getting that money. They’re not actually interested in your resistance bands or in your pet toy. Make sure that whatever you’re giving away is largely focused around your products or that attracts your target ideal audience.

Bradley Sutton: Okay. All right, well that’s great advice. And I think that almost everything we mentioned here today is definitely things that the majority of sellers still are not using in their business. And it’s something that without too much effort; it’s not easy to do these things. But with some work and some effort, they can leverage these things in their business, and it’s going to help their bottom line and help their exposure and help them build a brand. And so, I appreciate you going over it with me here, but this was only like 25 minutes, 30 minutes, and we had a talk about three different things. There are so many more things that people can be doing. If people want to reach out to you to try and get some more help from you on some advice that they could do, whether it’s something we talked about today, like the giveaways or the videos or the building audiences or anything else, how can they find you on the interweb out there?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah, I appreciate you asking. And before I forget, I also want to say those are all three great strategies, but I also just want to thank you guys, Helium 10 for your guys’ software. We have been using you guys for a long time and so many of your products and different software are so helpful for managing our full-service management clients. And we love what you guys are doing. The Frankenstein tool is fricking awesome. The Black Box tool is super helpful and helps our PPC (pay per click). I just want to say, keep up what you guys are doing.

Bradley Sutton: If anybody contacts you, then you guys kind of speak the same language a little bit. People can even go to you for some a Helium 10 help then I guess, right?

Jeff Lieber: Yeah, exactly. I mean we use the tools on the backend to help research, especially on the keyword and PPC side. But anyway, I need to say that you guys are the real deal and appreciate what you guys do.

Bradley Sutton: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Jeff Lieber: But back to the question, if you want to follow me or follow us, we have a podcast called the Playbook for Amazon podcast. I would love for you Bradley to be on it. We would love to chat it up, and I’d like to pick your brain. That would be really fun. They can also follow us on social media, Turnkey Product Management. And if you’re interested in Turnkey helping you scale on Amazon or implementing these strategies, we can do it for you. We can manage your Amazon channel, run your PPC, or we have one-on-one coaching and some online training for you.

Jeff Lieber: You can just go to our website and actually we’ll throw up a page,, and we’ll make sure that we hook you guys up with some free stuff, some of our best strategies and SOPs for some of the stuff that we’ve talked about so that you guys can actually just go hand it off to your team members and do it. So and we’ll hook you guys up.

Bradley Sutton: All right, cool. I appreciate you coming on Jeff. And now that I know that we’re neighbors; I’ve got to have you out for some fish tacos sometime down here in San Diego.

Jeff Lieber: Sounds good, man. We’ll make it happen.

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