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#369 – Brand Promotion Through Social Media

Sending outside traffic to your Amazon listings has lots of rewards. In this episode, our expert digital marketing guest, Wilfried Ligthart, breaks it all down. Be consistent in social media posts, build your presence on all platforms, find out which platform is the best for your brand, and more!

As a bonus, Wilfried gives us a sneak peek at what searches will look like in the near future and why you should start optimizing your listings for it. Make sure to listen to the very end! It’s going to be a good one.

In episode 369 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley and Wilfried discuss:

  • 02:30 – What Is Wilfried Up To These Days?
  • 04:00 – Your Brand Should Be Active In Social Media
  • 04:40 – There’s A Demand For “Snackable” Content
  • 06:30 – A Tool That Can Help You With Content Creation
  • 07:30 – Know Your Audience And Their Social Media Behaviors
  • 09:25 – Preaching About The Snowball Model
  • 09:40 – The Benefits Of An Amazon Listing That’s Ranked #1 In Google
  • 10:40 – What Is Geo-Targeted SEO?
  • 12:55 – Voice Search Will Be The Future
  • 15:30 – How Can You Optimize Your Listing For Voice Search
  • 18:40 – Rewards Of Consistent Content Creation For Social Media
  • 23:20 – Building Your Brand Awareness Through Social Media
  • 25:30 – Running YouTube Ads For “Free” Brand Awareness
  • 27:30 – Wilfried’s Thirty-Second Tips
  • 30:30 – What Is The One Platform That I Should Start On?
  • 34:30 – How Can You Get In Touch With Wilfried?


Bradley Sutton:

Today, we’ve got back on the show, someone who’s one of the world’s smartest experts on using social media to extend your brand’s reach. How cool is that? Pretty cool I think.

Bradley Sutton:

Did you know that just because you have a keyword in your listing that does not mean that you are automatically guaranteed to be searchable or as we say indexed for that keyword, well, how can you know what you are indexed for and not? You can actually use Helium 10 Index Checker to check any keywords you want for more information, go to Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the serious seller’s podcast by Helium 10. My name is Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s a completely BS free unscripted, and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. And from the opposite side of the world, almost opposite side of the world, we’ve got Wilfried here. Are you in Amsterdam right now? Or where are you at?


Yeah. Close to Amsterdam. Absolutely.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay. Excellent. Excellent. So being an Amsterdam, how has it been being an Ajax fan the last year or so? Do you have comings and goings at all levels?


We were champions, so that was very good, but yeah, we went to the season opener and they lost the game five to three. So that was a little disappointing.

Bradley Sutton:

Do you go to the games there in person or do you just watch them on TV?


No, this one we went with my boys, but unfortunately, they lost, so that was a big of a bummer.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. Well, one day it’d be nice when Helium 10 gets so big, you’ll all of a sudden see the Helium 10 logo on some famous soccer teams who know maybe it will be Ajax or who knows Manchester United. We’ll see which Jersey you’ll see the Helium 10 logo on, but anyways, we’re not here to talk soccer or football as we call it over there. I want to talk about e-commerce and what’s been going on, you know, you’ve been on this podcast a few times before and, you know, your specialty lies in a space that’s not one of my specialties and that’s like in social media and driving organic traffic and getting out there and finding influencers, all kinds of different things that I think a lot of Amazon and Walmart sellers are interested in. But not a lot of them are kind of timid to get started.

Bradley Sutton:

They don’t know where to begin. So I think in the past, we’ve talked about some interesting things, like building your own Facebook page and then how you can drive a lot of traffic without even having to pay for it. But it’s been a year or two since you’ve been on the podcast. I’m just curious, what’s like the number one thing that you’ve been working on or that you’ve been seen working for e-commerce sellers out there, is it still Facebook, or have you gone in different directions what’s going on in your life?


Well, the fun thing about social media is never a boring day, every day is different. And just as a cliffhanger I will not give away my tip of the day today or I will give it away today, but not right now, I think in minutes or so to get people holding. But it’s a tip like you’re doing SEO in 2005. So if you could turn back the clock and if you do SEO in 2005, you just smack a page on the website and it ranked number one, you get all the Google juice, you know, so we have something cool, something new, but I will give it away. Let’s say in 15 to 20 minutes. And other than that currently TikTok is dominating the space, but yeah, it’s not only TikTok. And normally when I’m on stages and because of COVID, it’s a lot of virtual summits right now, but when I’m on stages, I always say, bring you good and bad news.


And that’s what I’m going to do today as well. The good news is, anyone can do it. The bad news. It’s a lot of work. There is unfortunately no magic button. You need to be out there 24/7 almost. And you need to invest also in new ways of marketing, like Twitter spaces, and YouTube shorts, Facebook is heavily investing in reels. So do Facebook reels, do Instagram shops where you can put your whole shop almost on Instagram. And of course, this is all Amazon-related, but I always say diversify also a little bit. So try to have your own Shopify store as well. If you only do 10% of your sale on a Shopify store, it’s even cool. Of course, Amazon is still the big space and Walmart, but yeah, diversify as much as possible and consumers still crave snackable content.


And what that means is it needs to be fast. It needs to be entertaining. It needs to be funny. And of course, related to your industry. Yeah. If you’re not in the cat niche, don’t post a cat. If you are on the bicycles or something like that. And what we’re also seeing is the maturity of influencer marketing, we also see a lot of clients that say, you need to go to that influencer because he has 1 million in reach. And I always say, don’t choose influencers based on their follower count, look at their engagement. It’s always about engagement. I probably told this story also one and a half years ago, but it’s still a good story. And it tells basically what I mean we have a Chinese seller as a client and he’s doing 10 million a year on Amazon.


And he told me I don’t care about engagement. Well, I said, you need to be engaged before you get married. And that’s the whole thing about engagement. If people don’t know you, then they don’t trust you, and they will not buy from you. But if they interact with your brand all the time, because you post awesome content, yeah, then there will be your loyal ambassador. And that’s also why our specialty lies. And that’s also what we tell our audience or people that want to learn about social media to invest in building social media communities. You wanna have a community around your brand, and I’d rather have 100 people engaging like crazy than 10,000 likes because Facebook doesn’t care about likes, TikTok doesn’t care about while they care a little bit more about likes, but or followers is less important.


That’s all about interaction. And yeah, that’s what we say. So yeah. Do a lot that is entertaining, funny, and relatable. The good news is that let’s say you created a blog post on, let’s say your store. You can have a WordPress site to interact with people to your Amazon store or Walmart. If you created that block, we always use a tool called CuePrompter. It’s a free tool. You can just smack your block into that tool. Put a video camera on your face like we’re doing now. And it will be prompted and scripted in your screen. So you can just read it out loud, of course, a little bit with entertainment in it, but then you have a video cut that video into a TikTok format, and then you have a TikTok video, so you can reuse your content on different places and yeah, with different platforms.


And that’s very important. You can, let’s say you have a 500-word article, cut it into pieces and you have 10 Twitter messages. And so here is so much that you can do to make it easier for yourself. And I always say, make yourself mad at Sunday morning, between 8 to 10, and post content for the rest of the week. So it’s not that you go to your office and think, oh, I need to post something online because that’s what’s happening a lot is that people post at 8:00 AM, but you need to know what is your audience. When are they online? What platform do they consume? Let’s say you have a young audience. You need to be on TikTok. Where are they online? Somewhere between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM. And so to reach younger audience create short-form videos that are funny, trending and reflect your brand values.


But if you have an older audience, then leverage an interactive, create educational content on Facebook. For example, because most elderly are on Facebook. That’s why the youngsters escape because if grandpa is on Facebook, they don’t wanna be on Facebook anymore. So that’s, that’s why every business is different. And yeah, you need to do a lot of research. That’s the first thing we do when we onboard a new client research research research, what’s trending, what’s entertaining. What’s interactive? What is your competitors doing? Funding online marketing, there is no such thing as privacy anymore. There are so many tools out there. You can precisely dissect what your competition is doing. Look what is working for them. Don’t copy of course, but make it better when you wanna be number one on Google. For example, if there is at the top 20 tips about something you sell, create the top 40 tips about something you sell, what also works very well is don’t do this.


And if you have a title, don’t do this, let’s say, or again, in a cycling business, don’t do this with your bicycle and I, you need to have pattern interrupted. So if I scroll through my feet and I see something like don’t do this with my bicycle, and I have a bicycle for $2,000, then I wanna stop and I wanna know what’s going on. Why is my bicycle in jeopardy? Then you take ’em over to your Google or to your website with some Google juice. And we always preach about the snowball model. That means you need to be basically everywhere, but it’s a lot of work to push the snowball up the mountain. But when you release it, when you get love from Facebook and TikTok and Twitter, Google will pick up and give you more love and use.


Amazon will pick up and we’ll rank you higher as well. That’s one thing we talked about in the pre-meeting when we not live this Sunday, I will see our good friend Howard Thai here in Amsterdam. He showed me a case study that he ranked product number one on Amazon without one review or without one sale. How did he do it? He ranked number one on Google. And that means those big companies that look at each other don’t want to miss out on the next big trend. And yeah, that shows you that if you put in the effort in a time, and again, there are only 24 hours in a day, it’s definitely worth your time or worth your while, and if you don’t have the time find some experts like we are.

Bradley Sutton:

Yeah. Well, one thing you’re talking about is Google and SEO, but one thing that was interesting to me that I saw on your website that I don’t think we’ve ever talked about. And I don’t even know what it really means. So I wanted to ask you about it was it’s setting your website, something about services for geo-targeted SEO. So what does that mean? Like, how could somebody do that?


Well, for example, if you, you have a big summit going on in Las Vegas, so if you want, let’s say that is my target audience is more B2B, of course, because it will be Amazon sellers, but let’s go, let’s say I go after Amazon sellers, I can say to Google, I fence this hotel where you are in. And I only wanna show my ads for people that are in my fence, my geo-targeting. So that means that people that are in the hotel that audience opened their phones. They see my message. So you can zero in almost like another, you can do it by street almost, but yeah, that’s a great way to do geo-targeting, right? If you’re not totally online, but you also have some physical stores, you can say, this is my audience. I wanna fence them.


And I only want to show my ad to this particular audience. And that’s why we always say start big, but then zoom in and social media ads is always about testing. Don’t just put on one ad and think you’re done. You need to have 35 different ads with different creatives, different target audiences different texts in them ads with, or without a URL. And because without a URL, you have a video in, for example, that’s one tip we also do. You can later we target an audience that watches your video 5 or 10 seconds long. So, you know, they’re interested in your product because they, they stick to the video and always post without URL, get a lot of more traction. So the chance to go viral without a URL in it is much bigger than we did in it.


So yeah, those are all different tips. And yeah, I think this will be around the 45 podcasts, 45 minutes, but I had the chance the other day with our other good friend Norm Farrar to speak for seven hours. And even then we’re not done.

Bradley Sutton:

Seven hours? Oh my goodness.


Yeah. But there are so many little things and they change all the time as well. That is why I’m here again, to talk about new things. And I think we’re in it now for around 10 minutes. So shall I give away our 12 minutes or 45 seconds? Let’s do a drum roll and go back to 2005 in our back to the future. Tip of the day voice search, I think there are almost 1 billion devices will be sold in the end of this year.


And if you, people are lazy and they say, Alexa, ag what is the best noise cancellation headphone? And they say, and what the device then is doing Alexa, just watching the Amazon choice, batch only products that are available to Prime members are available to Alexa. And then let’s say the Sennheiser is in the Amazon choice batch. And they say, well, you need to buy the Sennheiser because that’s the best. And then I just say, well, put it in my cart and send it over. They have the credit card information already because you need to be an Amazon a client already, but then you’re done. So if you wanna profit from the voice search, and I think it will be around 160 billion give or take in this year revenue in voice searches and hardly anyone is doing it.


So you need to encourage customer reviews because you wanna be in the buy box head, that’s the holy grail of Amazon. And you need to optimize your product detail pages, exhaust keywords, utilize structured data descriptions and bullet points are very important because if Alexa says, well, you need to have the Sennheiser. And I say, why she just reads out the bullet points. Well, it’s one year warranty it’s you can put it on the water or whatever, and then you need to optimize the title because it’s artificial intelligence almost, and it needs to be readable. So if you have a very long not sexy title, yeah. Alexa cannot do anything without it. We have the problem in Holland. When I ask a number on Spotify, I have my G, my Dutch G and C doesn’t understand it.


So if you have a hidden title as well, you will not aim for it. So voice search, hardly anyone is talking about it, but it’s the number one tip for today because I think it will surpass 50% of all the sales in the near future. As I said, people are lazy and they say, well my PC monitor is broken. Alexa was the best PC monitor at the moment, or give me the cheapest one or whatever. Then they say, okay, we’ll buy it for you and tomorrow it will be delivered or maybe the same day.

Bradley Sutton:

So then what are steps that you can take to make sure that you are optimized other than those things you mentioned, like making sure your title’s optimized your bullet points, but then like I mean, you can have the most optimized title, the best bullet points in the world, but if you’re on page seven of Amazon, I’m pretty sure that maybe Alexa’s not gonna pick you up. So like, how do you get on Alexa’s radar, I guess, to make sure that, that you’re one of those one that she’s going to recommend to buyers?


Yeah. Well, that’s what you need to do. Always, Hey, you product optimization and that’s why we’re here in the Helium 10 podcast because Helium 10 is of course the ultimate tool to do that. It’s almost like you paid me to say it, but that’s the way to do it. Let’s start optimizing your product listings for voice-related search queries. And yet earlier you start easier, it so exhausts your keywords structure, data descriptions, very important. And your bullet points, because it’s easy for Alexa to say it it’s the best of the industry, five different features one year warranty, that kind of stuff. So yeah, those things are the most important and okay. To talk about a title, you can just go to Amazon as well. They have an example you need to have your brand name in because I want to have a Sennheiser, so I will not put the brand name all the way at the end.


Then you need to have the name of the specific product. It can be SS52RX or whatever. It can be a region and can be a year and have everything in your title. So I talk about noise cancellation, for example, I wanna have that specific he phone. So make sure that’s in your title tag as well. What I normally see on, on Amazon is titles with 60,000 keywords in them. And yeah, those products will definitely not rank for the voice search, I guess, because it’s, it’s a little bit too long, but again, you need to test and tweak and adjust it. That’s I need to find your way there, but it’s so important in talking about numbers, the number of digital voice assistants currently it’s around 5 billion.


I totally get it wrong, but I have now my slides in front of my screen, In 2024, it will be 8 billion devices because people have multiple Google devices, and Alexa devices, and in 2025, it will be $164 billion. And in 2020, it was 22 billion in sales transaction value. So you see, it will be eight times bigger than it is right now. And yeah, it’s, it’s, it is almost incredible that our new generation will not go online to buy something that just shouts out and it will be done and will be brought to you by a drone or whatever on the door.

Bradley Sutton:

Yeah, that’s coming as well. I definitely know that I saw that in the news the other day. All right. So, you know, this is good so far that the things we’ve been talking about now earlier, you were talking about all kinds of different social media be it YouTube and Facebook and TikTok, but somebody could easily just get drowned in, in just, you know, and all of a sudden becoming a social media company, you know, like, but they’re an Amazon seller, but it’s like, Hey, I need to do YouTube five times a week and I need to do Instagram reels and I need to do Facebook reels and I need to tweet, you know, and I need to do TikTok. Like, just hypothetically speaking me as Joe, an Amazon seller, how do I prioritize and dedicate enough time? Cause it’s not the thing where, okay, I’m gonna do it all, but I’ll do one YouTube reel a month. And let me do one Instagram a week. It’s like, once you commit to something, the only way you’re gonna get traction is like to really stick to it. So like how do I pick the things and not make sure I’m taking away time from other important aspects of my business?


Yeah. Yeah. I’m a social media nerd or guru, whatever you wanna talk about me. So I always say need to be there every day. And it’s hard to hear when you only have 24 hours in a day, as I said, but it’s so important. I know for a fact that penalizes may be a big word, but if you build an audience on Instagram and you skip one day, you can always almost start all over again before you know your page is old news and that’s the algorithms. They really reward you for being out there. There are so many things you can do. It’s the same with your website. If you make yourself mad, as I said on Sunday morning, there are so many things you can do. You can do a podcast, you can do a video. There is a press release.


You can talk about your products. You can create an ebook, infographics surveys, or polls questions. You can do quotes, you can do contests. You can do facts, tips, and tricks, whitepapers list, announcements, testimonials, and interviews, and you can put on memes. So if I go back to the list, I think I mentioned around 20 different things. So you’re done for the next 20 days. And of course, it’s easier. If I shout it out now then to create all those things but do at least one quote a day, that’s something that’s very easy. Just Google. Let’s say you’re in the outdoor sports niche, go online on Google and type in outdoor sports quotes and you have something amazing go to a free tool like Canva put some nice images in there, put your logo in there and make it a little bit appealing. And if you have one template, just put in another image, another quote, and you’re done. And of course, the trick is to be as fast as lightning. And that’s why I say if you don’t have the time or the urge to do it find experts for you can find ’em also on at Upwork or Fiverr or whatever. There are amazing people from Bangladesh that do it for $5 per quote or something like that. And it will look amazing, but–

Bradley Sutton:

Let me play devil’s advocate for one second here. And actually, this is why I like having you on here because actually, I think everybody in the generally speaking in the world or in the Amazon world understands, Hey, it’s important to drive outside traffic to Amazon. It’s important to bring that traffic and show Amazon that I’m relevant and now, especially Amazon has brand referral bonus and I get to somebody buys my product from a link or Amazon attribution link, you know, I’m gonna get my 10% back. And that’s why we have Amazon attribution linking available now in Helium 10, et cetera, et cetera. But you’re one of the few who like haven’t even really mentioned it, you know, much at all here, but you are more in like the organic side you’re talking about, Hey, you know, do quotes and post memes and things like that.

Bradley Sutton:

So let’s just play devil’s advocate here I am as an Amazon seller. And everybody else is always just only talking about just driving traffic directly to your listing and things like that, but here’s Wilfried here. And we know the Dutch are kind of strange sometimes, but anyways, here he is coming here and talking about posting quotes and building your organic reach and posting memes and posting articles about what not to do which not necessarily has to directly do with my product, but can you talk a little bit about me who might be skeptical like, what is the value in that? Why aren’t I just focusing all my efforts and just promoting my exact product? I’m sure you have examples too, of how this benefits people, but, but talk about that for a couple of minutes, if you can.


Yeah, absolutely. Well, it’s what I always say. And if you wanna create real, if you wanna build a real community around your brand, you need to attract people with quality content. As I said, if they don’t know you, they don’t from you. And unfortunately, I cannot show slides but I have one amazing one where someone jumps on the table with a megaphone and screams someone in their face like you need to buy my product and she’s reluctant and hasn’t and pulling backward and that’s normally what I see online a lot with, especially Amazon sellers that are only interested in the sales. So discount, discount, discount. But if I don’t know about the benefits of your program or your product I will not buy. People don’t want what you make. They want what it will do for them. And putting that into memes or into a blog post or into videos will certainly raise their eyebrows.


And before you know it, and that’s why I say need to build a community around your brand, because if you’re always the one that solves the problem, then that’s the way to go. I’m not sure you probably know it, but YouTube, for example, is the second biggest search engine in the world. So if you’re out there solving people’s problems I’m on YouTube almost every day with a computer problem or whatever, and I need to find something. So I type it in and there’s the solution. I always like that person that created the video. If I give them a like I might even subscribe to that channel. And if I now go back to YouTube again, and the other day, I see his new video because the algorithm knows that I was a fan of his work and I wanna probably to see the next video as well.


And before, you know, it, you will be favored in a different area than just selling you are the number one authority to go to, if you have a problem, or if you wanna be entertained or you wanna be seen as a go-to guy basically, then people are interested in you and it will resonate in their brain as well. One great tool we use also for granting free brand awareness because that’s basically what we’re selling, your brand awareness is you run YouTube ads because if people click the escape ad button you do not have to pay anything. And it takes around three seconds for the finger to go to the screen and click on it. Not for a toddler that’s watching something on YouTube. And if the telephone rings, it will take them half a second, but that’s our toddlers work nowadays, they’re so fast, but people like me, it will take me around three seconds to click this skip ad button.


And if you put your call to action and your product and your logo in the first three seconds, then it will resonate in the brain. That’s what you wanna do with those snacks as well. Because if I see a meme and it has your logo in it, I will remember your logo. If I now go to Amazon, I need to buy a product and there are five different people selling the same product, I think, Hey, that meme, I saw that logo the other day. So I will now click on that one. And that’s basically how the sales work. You need to be seen as the authority and the guy that, that knows what to do or what not to do. And unfortunately, our intention spends nowadays is lower than a goldfish, right? It’s around eight seconds. Goldfish is bored in nine seconds, but, but yeah, if you can bridge that gap between being informative and instructive, then people will stick around that’s how it works.

Bradley Sutton:

Awesome. Awesome. All right, cool. Now, just over the last few minutes here of this podcast, instead of just doing one, you know, we really did one tip, but instead of one TST, one 30-second tip, let’s just do some quick hitting things, just you have such a wide variety of specialties, be it YouTube, be it even LinkedIn and Twitter and different things. But maybe if you can give you know, maybe two or three different one-minute 30-second to one-minute tips here on some best strategies that people can be implementing.


Yeah, absolutely. Well, leverage video, whenever possible is what I said before, and cut them into different platform pieces. Instagram is square. A TikTok is a phone. As I said, it is vertical. YouTube is horizontal. So a creative video, and then cut it into different platform pieces and you have three different videos. You can post and embrace funny, interactive, and relatable content. As I say, highlight your customer stories, use a conversational tone, it’s like you’re talking to a friend use a lot of design elements for snackable content. For example, if people can check it out, it’s called breakout clips. They have clips that actually jump over the text. So if you wanna have a pattern interrupt, that’s a great way to do it. I talked about quality over quantity. That’s what’s important. What’s also important is you need to champion your company values.


Why are you here? You’re not here because you wanna be rich. Now you’re here to solve the other person’s problem. You have the best tool in the industry. Talk about it. Why do you have the best tool industry? What’s your mission? What is your vision? You can, you can create videos or podcasts or stories about that as well. And yeah, those are still the most important things. And if I need to boil it down to one word, that’s basically value provide value as that’s also what my model in life provides value first, and the money will follow. That’s also what social media is, if you provide value, people will crave for your content. And I always say content is fire, but social media, as the gasoline, you have an amazing article on your website, but nobody will ever read it if you’re not posting it online.


And the fact that, as I said in the beginning, all those big companies that look at each other, if Facebook drives you a lot of traffic to your Google, sorry to your website, Google will pick up and they will rank you higher. And it’s the same with Amazon because they see a lot of interaction happening from your website to Amazon. And the attribution is either Facebook or Google and they will rank you higher as well. So it’s a whole game of being out there. And it’s also about the timing. It’s also about using hashtags. For example, don’t use hashtags on Facebook use around 7 to 11 hashtags on Instagram. There are all kinds of different things. Posting times can be different. If you are in the B2B, you leverage LinkedIn, that’s the most important platform for B2B sellers. All those different things you can find online if you just Google. And then you find where to go and what then the best practice is to do it.

Bradley Sutton:

I think eventually people should definitely diversify all the different platforms, but if I’m doing about $500,000 on Amazon per year, I have a pretty decent budget for advertising and not just advertising money, but just time, as far as, Hey, I’ve got somebody who can work on social media for me, what is the one platform you think I should start on before? I don’t think we would suggest, Hey, try all 10 platforms at once, but what is the one platform I should start on?


That’s a very good question. And that’s basically what I said in the beginning. It depends on your audience. If you are a fashion brand, you need to be on TikTok or on Instagram. If you sell elderly stuff, I cannot find an example right now you need to definitely be on Facebook because that’s still the biggest thing out there. So find where your audience is and then make craving content. Because for example, if you are 25, between 34 then people are on eight different platforms. So they’re basically everywhere, but they always have their favorite. They need to find out what their favorite is. Maybe come as a surprise, but 55 and 64-year-olds have five different platforms, whether they’re on. So everyone is on every platform, but not as much as you want.


Sometimes you need ’em to be, so that’s why you need to be on the platform that they stick around. And just to smack some more numbers in their people are online 23% say they wanna have companies and brands they purchase from, but also 20% say, well, I’m online because I wanna find companies and brands to consider purchasing from, and that you wanna be online as well because they don’t know you yet. And that’s what I said in the beginning as well, that you need to be the authority figure because they’re looking for something to purchase. And if they now see that you are out there with cool stuff and cool content, 20% will then come over to you and will be a buyer. And that’s one thing to go. And another number, for example, seeing content from your favorite brand is also 23%.


So if you’re not out there, let’s say I always buy the same product, but I don’t see you online ever again. Maybe I will skip around to the competitor. That’s online all the time and having awesome live streams or TikTok challenges or whatever. And one thing we didn’t discuss, but that’s also a cool thing is spark ads. You can do that on TikTok. And what it will do basically is you can leverage your own channel, but you can also say, I wanna have my ads on your influencer channel. So the influencer will basically show my ads, but it will be in their name. And there are so many different things you need to be out there doing that to come back to your question research, that’s always the number one thing, and find out what’s interesting, trending, what’s relevant. Also, create your goals.


Don’t say, okay, I will go online. What is your goal? Do you want to go to 1000 followers or do you wanna have 10,000 engagements or 100,000? Because if you have a goal of 100,000 in three months, you need to put your budget into it. Sometimes I have clients that say, well, I wanna spend $500 and that’s enough. Yeah. If your goal is 100 followers, no problem. But if you really wanna grow and make it big, then you need to put your money where your mouth is. And another thing to do with, and that’s also important because most Amazon sellers I speak to, some of them are big, but there are also some smaller sellers. And if you wanna sell your company and you have a Facebook page attached to it with, let’s say 50,000 followers, you have an email list with 10,000 people. Your store is now so much more worthwhile it because you can communicate directly with your audience. So that’s another big thing to be online and, and capture your leads and have lead mags like eBooks and that kind of stuff, because yeah, it will definitely create more value.

Bradley Sutton:

Excellent. Excellent. All right. So I know you not only provide services for people who wanna get help with actually doing some of this stuff, but you have a lot of educational resources or you actually train people on how to do it themselves. So if I’m a seller, I wanna reach out to you to find you on the interwebs to get some more information on how you can help where can we find you out there?


Well, my website is My name is Wilfried Ligthart the beautiful thing about that is. There are only so many Wilfried Lightheart out there. So if you Google, you probably see me with my old gear on with my digital blacksmith gear. So yeah, check me out. And we have something called the power of masterclass where we, where we teach people how to do it. So if you wanna be part of that one, every two weeks, I have a sit-down and we dissect what they’re doing and what’s not working and that kind of stuff. So you can check out that as well. And it’s And yeah, other than that, I hope to be on a lot of stages again, if the COVID cloud is gone, then we can travel again and share the knowledge that’s what I love to do.

Bradley Sutton:

Yes, absolutely, and when I’m in town, we’ll go to the Ajax game together.


Absolutely. Yeah. I will show you around.

Bradley Sutton:

Well thank you for coming on here and yeah, it’d be great to haven’t seen you in person in a while, but you know, the world is getting back to normal little by little, so hopefully, we’ll be able to do that. Maybe you can come to our selling scale event in Vegas, you know, there’s always a, nobody needs an excuse to come to Vegas, but there’s one for you there, and thank you for coming on and sharing your knowledge and we’ll be definitely seeing you in the future.


Yeah. Well, thank you. Well, yeah. Have some big players. Neil Patel and Gary Vaynerchuck. Those are the industry leaders. So if I can, I think that will be there. So yeah. Nice talking to you as well, and take care in LA for me and we will see each other soon.

Bradley Sutton:

Sounds good.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
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