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#355 – June’s New Tools & Features

If you were not able to join us for the Bigger Better Launch last June 16th, we got you! In this episode, Bradley goes over all the latest features, updates, and new tools that we discussed in the program. We’ve got all types of cool stuff like Helium 10 tools now available to the Amazon UAE market, and updates to your favorite tools like Blackbox, Chrome Extension, Keyword Tracker, and Portals. We also introduced new tools to help you crush it like Market Tracker 360, ASIN Insights Tracker, and more! Make sure to listen to the very end to learn more about these cool new features and don’t forget to join us for the next Bigger Better Launch webinar on July live to win cool prizes.

In episode 355 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley talks about:

  • 02:35 – You Need To Use All Of Helium 10’s Tools
  • 03:10 – Don’t Forget About The Big Picture
  • 04:45 – Helium 10 Tools Now Available For The Amazon UAE Market
  • 06:40 – Meet Your New Host Of The AM/PM Podcast: Kevin King
  • 07:45 – The New Seller Solutions Hub By Helium 10
  • 08:30 – An Update To The Estimated Brand Value Tool
  • 09:45 – The All-New Quick Tips Feature Inside The Dashboard
  • 10:00 – Win Ridiculous Prizes For BBL Webinar Watches
  • 11:00 – You Can Now See Your Alerts In The Chrome Extension Tool
  • 12:45 – Introducing The Market Tracker 360 Tool
  • 16:10 – Black Box Gets A New Design And New Functions
  • 18:00 – New Languages Available For Other Helium 10 Tools
  • 19:30 – You Can Now See Google Trend and Walmart Search Volume
  • 20:30 – Keyword Tracker Now In Helium 10’s Mobile App
  • 21:00 – Introducing The New ASIN Insights Tracker Tool
  • 24:00 – Generating Keyword Sales Is More Important Than Search Volume
  • 24:45 – Helium 10 Elite Members Get Access To The Estimated Keyword Sales Tool
  • 26:00 – Create Amazon Attribution Links Inside Helium 10 Portals
  • 29:00 – Make Sure To Attend The Next Bigger.Better.Launch. This July 14th!
  • 30:10 – Let Us Know What New Tools You Need For Your Business


Bradley Sutton:

Today, I’m gonna be going over a bunch of new functions and tools that you guys need to be using to help your Amazon and Walmart business. How cool is that? Pretty cool I think.

Bradley Sutton:

Are you looking to learn how to sell on Amazon? The Freedom Ticket course made by Kevin King is one of the most popular courses ever created for Amazon sellers. It’s got over 90 modules and 40 hours of detailed step by step training to help get you started on your entrepreneurial journey. Now, this course costs $997, but Helium 10 actually covers that cost of the course for any Helium 10 member. Find out why tens of thousands of students love this program by going to Don’t forget that if you do sign up for a Helium 10 account, don’t pay full price. Use our podcast discount code SSP10 to save 10% off for life.

Bradley Sutton:

Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I am your host Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s a completely BS-free unscripted, and unrehearsed, organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the Amazon or Walmart, or e-commerce world. And as we do once a month, we do an episode kind of like recapping a lot of the new tools and features that we’ve released that can help Amazon and Walmart sellers. We did a webinar about this, but the way I do the podcast is a little bit differently. I’m more focused on how exactly you can use these and what aspects of these you should be using in order to help your businesses. Alright, so if you’re not a Helium 10 member, that’s totally fine. You’re still gonna get value outta this.

Bradley Sutton:

I’ll try and mention how you can do some of these things even without Helium 10, but you know, we talk about this podcast being about serious strategies and you’d be shocked guys, how many people I talk to out there who are not using all the tools at their disposal, and I’m not just talking about Helium 10. Yes. It’s a no brainer. If you’re using helium 10, you’ve gotta be using every single one of the 43 tools that we have. But just in seller central itself, you know, people are not looking at their Business Reports, you don’t see people looking at their Brand Analytics or Opportunity Explorer. They don’t look at their special metrics in Amazon advertising me myself, I’m not using everything. You know, like I haven’t used Amazon attribution. We’re gonna talk about Amazon attribution today.

Bradley Sutton:

And so it’s something that I think is important that we become data focused. Now at the same time, it’s important that we don’t get so kind of like tunnel vision on only the data and the algorithms and the tools that we forget about the big picture. And at the end of the day, remember, what are we doing when we are engaged in e-commerce or we’re engaged in selling on Amazon or Walmart, we are trying to sell a product to a human being. All right. So yes, we’ve gotta look at the data. Yes. We’ve got to make the algorithms happy and worry about our placements and cost and cost per click and things like that. But at the end of the day, never forget who your actual customer is. And then when you combine these two things, guys, you are gonna be more powerful as a seller because that’s what the successful people do.

Bradley Sutton:

They balance making the algorithm happy but also making the human being at the other end of the computer. Happy. All right. So let’s go ahead and talk about the things that we launched. Now the one thing we’ve talked about before is diversifying your marketplaces. That’s why we’re putting a big focus on a Walmart this year, right. But also diversifying marketplaces mean multiple Amazon marketplaces. And so do you guys know how many until now, how many different marketplaces the Helium 10 tools work on Amazon? It was actually 13. All right. Let, let me see if I can name them while I’m not looking at any notes guys, I promise, Canada, US, Mexico, Germany, UK, Italy, France, Spain, Netherlands, India, Australia. Did I say Japan? And I’m probably missing one, but anyway, there’s 13 and now our 14th is Amazon UAE, United Arab Emirates.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, why should you sell on Amazon UAE? Now, if you’re in, if you’re in the area, you know, if you live over there, I’ve been to Dubai a few times lately. It’s a huge bustling network of Amazon sellers out there. It’s a no brainer, right. But if you’re selling in Europe, if you’re selling anywhere in the world, and you’re an English speaker, UAE is definitely a marketplace to look into. It’s an English platform, guys, you know, it’s not like Japan, where you have to go get everything translated or Spain or something like that. It’s in English. Now that is a mean, remember, you do not go guys and copy your English listing from the UK or your English listing from Australia or from Canada, or from USA into another English market like UAE, even though it’s the same language.

Bradley Sutton:

I mean, the good thing is, is that you can do your listing optimization, but remember, always do your keyword research in the local language. And because of that, that’s why now, for example, Cerebro and Magnet and Black Box now work for Amazon UAE. So, so do reverse ASIN searches on the top competitors that are existing there to get your keywords. Don’t just rely on your English listing or don’t do a direct translation from a non-English language as well. So Amazon, UAE, really, really simple guys to apply to sell there. And if you need any help, we had an episode where we had a Zee, Zee who helps sellers expand to other marketplaces, even Amazon themselves they probably have, you probably have a message in your dashboard that says, “Hey, you know, let us help you sell on these other marketplaces” or your email.

Bradley Sutton:

And you can even get some personalized help sometimes. So UAE, if, if you’re pretty much established somewhere else and you’re looking into a new marketplace to get into definitely consider UAE. Another announcement we talked about was how Kevin King is now the host of the AM/PM Podcast. You know, that’s not a tool or a feature, but it’s something that helps sellers, how, you know, who better to get knowledge from in a podcast than Kevin King and the people that Kevin thinks are important enough and are knowledgeable enough to come onto his show to pick their brain. So guys only one about 45 minutes a week time to listen actually 30 minutes. If you have him on 1.5 speed, you can’t really put Kevin King on 2x speed. It might be a little too fast for you.

Bradley Sutton:

So 30 minutes a week to learn from the master himself. Download AM/PM Podcast on your Spotify or Apple Podcast and subscribe and make sure to listen up to that. Something else that we have at Helium 10, we are not a one stop shop for everything that an Amazon seller would need. You know, we don’t provide shipping services. You know, we don’t provide photography studios, we don’t provide listing optimization. You know, we teach you how to do some of these things on your own, but then if you can’t, we can help you with that. So that’s why we create the Seller Solutions Hub. So if you go to, you’re gonna have up to 200 different companies who have all kinds of vying for your service or for your customers in order to use their services.

Bradley Sutton:

So there was some new features that we added such as a favoriting feature. Now that we have multiple services who offer the same kind of service, you can like start favoring them and then go back, and read the reviews. It’s becoming quite a cool hub. So make sure to check that out, Now last month we had launched something that was on your dashboard. You guys probably saw it called the Estimated Brand Value. This month we changed it up a little bit so that it estimates it at the actual brand level instead of your entire account. A lot of you myself included, I mean, look at Project X have multiple brands in one seller central account. And so, usually, when you wanna see what is your brand worth if somebody’s interested in acquiring it’s at the brand level, right?

Bradley Sutton:

Especially if you’re doing wholesale or other things on the account that you obviously, you wouldn’t be selling. So now guys make sure on the top, right of your screen, when you get into Helium 10, take a look at your Estimated Brand Value, you could see what kind of like what goes into the calculation. And it’s kind of a cool thing to just look at over time, obviously over time, what’s your goal. You want that number to get bigger and bigger and bigger, right? So, so keep an eye out on that. And if it’s getting lower, look into what’s going on with your account on why your estimated brand value is getting lower. If you are brand, brand spanking new to Helium 10 you just sign up like, let’s go ahead. Let’s say you sign up right now.

Bradley Sutton:

Go to You use my discount code SSP10 to get 10% off for life. And what new users in the past have said before is like, “I don’t know where to start in Helium 10. There’s like just so many tools.” So for you brand new people, we have this new thing called quick tips where it’s a nice graphical way to get used to the tools. As soon as you log in, if you’ve been in Helium 10 for a while, you’re not gonna see this. This is only for you newbies out there. Now I gave a question out there we did some trivia and we were giving away some like ridiculous prizes. Like we gave over $7,000 worth of prizes, including a full expense paid trip to Sell and Scale Summit and a meet and greet with Gary freaking Vee.

Bradley Sutton:

I mean, it was crazy. This is why you guys gotta watch these things live. You know I go over more of the strategy here when I, when I break these things down on the podcast, but if you make sure to put your bookmark to watch it live when it happens next month in July, because who knows what the heck we’re gonna give out. I mean, they were super generous on this one. So somebody won a trip to meet Gary Vee. Another thing that’s not new in Helium 10, but I feel is underutilized is Alerts. All right, you have got to turn on Alerts for every single private label SKU that you have. And let me tell you some of the ways that I’ve saved some money lately. And I’ve been using this since before I work at Helium 10.

Bradley Sutton:

And if I didn’t work at Helium 10, I will still be using it. So this is not something I’m just trying to sell you guys or somewhere, alright? the biggest number one reason is not like the Hijacker Alert that we get this product used to be called Hijacker Alerts, but it’s called just Alerts. Now it is for me, the dimensions change. Like it just boggles my mind. How many times Amazon just go and remeasure my stuff randomly, and then just add three inches here and there I’m like, what is going on? You know, well, like, are we having a bad day, somebody over there? And then you’re you decided to make our boxes bigger than they were. You might think, you know, two, three inches doesn’t make much of a difference. It does. All right. You know, this happened once with our coffin shelf and it ended up being thousands of dollars over just a few months time in extra charges.

Bradley Sutton:

So keep alerts on. But anyway, what we launch now is another way to see the Alerts. We, we have over 800,000 people who use our Chrome Extension now. So we’re like, Hey, that’s used probably even more than our desktop version. So in the Chrome Extension, now you’ll have a little like tag and you’ll be able to see these Alerts. If something happens to you, somebody changes your image. Somebody changes your dimension. If somebody changes your title, your listing, and suppress you’ll get the alert right there in the Chrome Extension. Now moving forward, but only if you have the Chrome extension installed. Shivali, who was with me on that webinar also talked about, or gave a sneak peek at a brand new tool coming to Helium 10. This is gonna be kind of like separate from the Helium 10 suite. It’s gonna be not included in any of our regular plans because it’s kind of like geared towards the more advanced seller.

Bradley Sutton:

You know we’ve got a lot of feedback lately. Tons of agencies are using Helium 10 and aggregators and enterprise level customers are like, “Hey, we need some next level tracking.” And so we came up with Market Tracker 360, really huge dynamic and robust way to track your market. Now it’s very, very different than regular Market Tracker, and Market Tracker in itself is very valuable. So this is something that is new and coming, but the regular Market Tracker I’ve been telling you guys for so long, every single person should be using the regular Market Tracker, because it gives you a more in depth of view than just what’s happening with the keywords that you do in Keyword Tracker. How many times up there guys have you seen in the Facebook group? How many times have you seen the following message? “Anybody sales down this week?” “Anybody sales down in June?” “Anybody sales down in 2022, or is it just me?”

Bradley Sutton:

Oh my God. Like literally every freaking day you see messages like that in the Facebook groups in probably Reddit, wherever you have a community of sellers. And really that question is not necessary if they’re using Helium 10, because when you create your market, you know, if it’s just you down or if you’re not, even if you don’t have Helium 10 guys look at this amazing thing called BSR, AKA Bradley Sutton is ready, no BSR Best Seller Rank. You know, if that number stays the same or relatively the same, but you sales are down. Well, guess what? You’re not really losing ground against your main competitors that are in your category. Probably everybody is down. Now, if your BSR is going down, and your sales are going down well, Hey, yeah, maybe your competitions, their sales are remaining pretty steady and something is going on with you.

Bradley Sutton:

You’re losing market share. So even without Helium 10, you can see this information, guys, you shouldn’t be asking people. So your sales down, you know, just look at your stinking, BSR, all right. But if you want a little bit more in depth and a more scientific way to look at it, yes, use the regular Market Tracker that everybody has access to. And then you’ll be able to see is the pie, which is your market or niche. Is it getting bigger or smaller? You know, it should be relevant, you can see it over time and historical numbers. And then more importantly, how is your piece of the pie doing? Is it 11%? Is it 13%? Is that number going down? Guess what? Yes. Your sales are down compared to your competitors. Is that number staying the same? Hey, nothing to worry about. All right, is that number going up?

Bradley Sutton:

Hey, you’re doing something right. You’re taking your competitors’ market share. So something important to do regular Market Tracker for now, guys, and you who are 7, 8, 9 figure sellers and agencies look out for the big announcement next month on Market Tracker 360. I keep, I thought I was gonna go one episode without saying “Market tractor 360, y’all” no guys, it’s not a market tractor. It’s Market Tracker 360. All right. So take a look for that announcement coming in July. Oh, we have a brand newly designed Black Box. And apart from just being cool that now it’s like newly designed and more streamlined and you can move columns around, you know, that doesn’t really help you find new products per se. Right. Makes maybe a little bit the process a little bit better, but you’re gonna notice a slight change where you now can track in Helium 10 and filter by not just the parent category like health and household and beauty and stuff, but also now these subcategories and not just the very bottom level, each level, you know, you can go from like, let’s just say, beauty and then or bath or home and kitchen.

Bradley Sutton:

And then you go down to bath and then you go down to bathroom accessories, and you go down to floor mats. I mean, you can go down as deep as you want. And this is really exciting because to me it adds a new form of doing product research. You know, Helium 10 shows you 200 items at a time. Well, if you go all the way down, you might get into a category where there’s only like maybe 200 products that are doing over a certain amount. So you could like literally see the top sellers in a subcategory and perhaps it’ll help you go down some rabbit holes and do some product research that way. So that is slowly rolling out to Elite and then to Diamond into the Platinum, but take a look. As soon as you get a little button in your Black Box for products tool that says you now have access to this new one, make sure you guys are using that and start exploring there.

Bradley Sutton:

You might be able to find some new product opportunities. Last month we talked about how a couple of our core tools like Black Box and Cerebro and Magnet are now in Italian, German Spanish and Chinese. We added some more tools that are now translated in those languages. And those are Frankenstein, also Profits, and also Index Checker. So if you’re one of those native speakers and you have your Helium 10 set to that language, you now have access to those tools in your language. Another cool thing that should be available to everybody, especially Diamond and above. Anytime you guys see the Search Volume number inside of Helium 10, there’s always a graph next to it. And regardless, this is something you should have been doing forever. And I want you guys to do is don’t just take Search Volume as absolute at that moment in time.

Bradley Sutton:

I love clicking on the history, that little graph because remember just like with products, there’s seasonality, there is seasonality inside of keyword keywords as well due to the search volume, you know you know, keywords such as, you know, ear muffs that might be popular in December in cold areas, will have almost zero search volume in July and August in summer months. Okay. So it’s important to take a look that you don’t just consider, oh, this is the number one keyword for this niche. This is the search volume that it’s gonna be throughout the year. No, it’s not like that. So always click on that graph, but now what’s gonna happen is you are also gonna be able to see the Google trends historical graph, which is kind of like, Google search volume. If you have a Diamond and above account, you’re gonna be able to see search volume on the graph.

Bradley Sutton:

It’s another mistake that people make, you know, people are selling on Shopify. People are, are wondering, what’s popular in social media. People are wondering what’s popular on Amazon and Walmart, and they assume that they see one of these popularity charts, be it a search volume chart. They think they’ve seen it all. Okay. Hey, this is the number one keyword on Amazon. So it must be the number one on Walmart, or this is the peak month for this niche in Walmart, this must be the peak month for it on Amazon. And that is not always the case. So now guys take a look at that extra information you have when you click on any graph in Helium 10 after you see a Search Volume, all right. Mobile App, you guys hopefully are using the Helium 10 Mobile App. We have a couple of new features in there, like the Top 10 Product Performance, and also your Keyword Tracker.

Bradley Sutton:

You have a full version of Keyword Tracker, just like in your desktop, whatever you’re tracking there. And, and in your regular Keyword Tracker, you are now going to be able to see inside of your mobile app. At that moment, we talked about some new Adtomic, you know, our PPC tool, weekly and monthly email notifications. There’s some gamification that you guys could be doing there. I know people are like, “oh, I get enough email reports.” Not that guys, this is important stuff you need to look at. So if you start getting these emails, make sure to open it. It’ll take you like five minutes maybe to read it. And you might see something, especially if you have automation going that you didn’t know happened, and it’s important to take a look at this. Another new tool that I want you guys to start using and how it can be helpful.

Bradley Sutton:

It’s the ASIN Insights Tracker. So on your dashboard or in your Profits tool when you are looking at Product Performance, you know, the sales over like a month, what you now have is this toggle that says, you know, view alerts. And so remember, I would talk about Alerts earlier. If there’s any alerts that are happening, it is now gonna log them on that same sales chart so you could see if there are cases of something happening. Now, that being said 90% of alerts are probably. Are you relevant to you in that, in that setting. If you have an inventory alert or number of sellers change or something like that, you probably don’t care, but here’s where this can help you. If you’re doing like some AB testing, like, Hey, I want for one week to have my product at this price, and then I’m gonna change it to this price, or I’m going to change my image.

Bradley Sutton:

And you change your image on Amazon. It doesn’t always happen right away. Alerts tells you when it happens. So now what you can do is you can look back at your sales chart like after you’ve been doing this for, you know, a month or two, and then you can kind of like take a look at when some of these things happen. Hey, when my price went down, did my sales go up or down? Hey, you know, when I changed my image, what day was it? Oh, is this day, okay. Did anything happen to my page views? Or did anything happen to my sales number? So that is the ASIN Insights Tracker guys, make sure you are using it. At that point. I gave people kind of like a quiz I’m like, okay, let’s say you’ve got two keywords.

Bradley Sutton:

I want you guys to kind of like do this mental exercise in your head. And these are actual keywords, actual search volume, actual numbers, you know, from Helium 10. Keyword A, the search volume is 55,000, keyword B, the search volume is 174,000. Now, if all other things were equal, you know, as far as how relevant this is to your niche and, and everything else, the Title Density, whatever other metrics you look at to kind of like gauge the importance of a keyword, if all other things were equal, which keyword would be better? Well, obviously it would be B the one with 175,000 searches. And the reason is like, well, Hey, this is potentially gonna drive more relevant traffic that hopefully has buyer intent. And if 175,000 people are gonna look at this in a search results, it’s gonna give me more of a chance to get more sales than if only 55,000 people are looking at it in search results, right?

Bradley Sutton:

That’s a traditional logic. And guess what, you know, 95% of the time, that is some pretty sound logic, you know, again, if all other things were considered, but now, how does it change if I tell you this, that keyword A, that had 55,000 searches, we can determine that it has an estimated number of sales generated from those searches of 2300, 2,300, however, keyword B that that’s one that had the search volume of 175,000 searches, it only had generated sales of 1700 now, which keyword is better for your listing? Well, it’s obviously keyword a because at the end of the day, generated keyword sales is more important than search volume. And so you might have some words that have more buyer intent than others. And so that being said, you know, if you were just looking at search volume, like, you know, most we’ve always done Helium 10, again, 95% of the time, you’ll be just fine

Bradley Sutton:

But you might be missing out on what is the best keyword without this metric of looking at what the estimated sales are. And so now, if you’re a Helium 10 Elite member, you now have access to Keyword Sales Estimates, right? Keyword Sales Estimates, anywhere where you have search volume, like in Magnet and Cerebro and Elite Analytics. If you’re an Elite member, you are gonna see a new column called Estimated Keyword Sales. And we are showing you based on our algorithm, what the estimated number of sales generated by these keywords are super valuable, super, super valuable guys. You’re gonna see it’s not across the board the same. So make sure to run it through Helium 10 and take a look at that. Eventually, this is gonna get to Diamond members as well. But right now it’s just for Elite members which by the way is open.

Bradley Sutton:

I’m not sure when you’re listening to this podcast, but if it’s before July 1st, you should be able to get to Helium 10 Elite and sign up, and then it’s gonna close until probably like September or something,, It’s open right now. And then if you hurry up, you can go ahead and get access to this new tool. And plus all the other tools that only Elite members get access to. Now for the last thing we invited on one of our Product Managers, Victor, and he launched a brand new tool, Helium 10 called Amazon Attribution. So Amazon Attribution is an Amazon tool that, you know, you don’t necessarily even need Helium 10 for, but if you’re like me, maybe you’ve been too hesitant to use that because you don’t know how to run Google ads, or you couldn’t even find Amazon Attributions like super hard to even find inside of Seller Central.

Bradley Sutton:

But what it is is it allows you to track your off Amazon marketing campaigns, you know, like right now you tell somebody to go, “Hey, influencer B, please go ahead and, you know, push my product and let me know how many sales I get, or I’ll let you know, hopefully around how many sales more you’re getting.” But you’re just kind of guessing, you know, unless you’re using like a coupon code where it has to come from that influencer, you can kind of know, right. But other than that, you know, there’s no way to kind of know unless you use these attribution links. And with this attribution links from Amazon, once you get to 15 clicks, now you’ll be able to see it inside of Amazon attribution about, Hey, these clicks came from this campaign from this influencer, and this is how many sales were generated.

Bradley Sutton:

Other than that, you have no idea how many off Amazon sales are generated from your products. It’s just all lumped in with your regular products, right? So now with Helium 10 inside of portals, you can create Amazon attribution links in like seconds. It’s a lot easier than doing it inside of Amazon. And the advantages is that you don’t have to wait for 15 clicks in order to start seeing if there’s traction. You are going to immediately see that the click from, like, if somebody uses the attribution link, three seconds later, you refresh your portal screen. We will show you that click that happened, right? So it’s like super, super fast faster than how Amazon does it. You’re gonna be able to put things like Canonical URL. You know, some people are asking what good would be for a Canonical URL. Well, just like, you know, we have in gems in our Gems page,

Bradley Sutton:

We have a Canonical URL generator. A lot of people want to help the ranking for SEO in Google, Bing and other search engines. Right? Well, if you have a special Canonical URL that has some good keywords in the Canonical URL, well, that is going to help your ranking off of Amazon. So we also give the opportunity to create custom Canonical URLs with our Attribution Link Generator. And this is only version one, the team put this together just like in a matter of weeks are really incredible, our engineering teams that we have over here, and this is just version one, and we want to hear from you, what do you wanna see next? You know, do you need help with generating the Google ads that you would put this into?

Bradley Sutton:

Do you wanna see different kind of tracking ability? There’s gonna be a lot of cool things you’re gonna be able to do. And you guys are the ones who are gonna be telling us what exactly you want to see. So that was pretty much the majority of what we launched in our Bigger, Better Launch webinar this month. Like I said, then the next one is going to be July 14th at 11:00 AM. And that’s going to be like on a zoom probably. So if you want to get on these live, make sure to look out for your email and then you’ll get an email about the registration, but you can also wait for the podcast. Cause like I said, I go over like what are their value ads for your business here on the podcast is a little bit different than how I do it on the webinar.

Bradley Sutton:

So I’m super excited, what Helium 10’s been doing, you know, lately, I mean, it’s not like we got lazy or anything. We worked a lot though in the last year, on the back end and refreshing a lot of tools and the infrastructure, right? Maybe a lot of these things that you probably didn’t notice or can’t even see, but now we’re getting back to the basics kind of like how it was in the old days where it’s like every week Helium 10 is launching some kind of new tool that’s gonna help e-commerce sellers. And I’m super stoked that that’s the kind of like cadence that we have nowadays. And with over 300 employees working on this you know, we can get stuff to market faster than anybody. So I don’t want you guys holding back.

Bradley Sutton:

I want you guys sending comments into Helium 10 Support, let us know what is on your wishlist. As far as things problems we can help you solve with your Amazon account, through the use of tools or, you know, data points that you wanna see, you let us know. And if there’s enough people asking for the same thing, I can guarantee you, we are gonna make it happen. As long as it’s of course, WhiteHat, you know, not BlackHat or not against Amazon Terms of Service or anything. So again, that’s the June recap for our Bigger, Better Launch. Can’t wait to see you guys for next month and I can’t wait to see you guys in the next episode. We’ll see you later.

Enjoy this episode? Be sure to check out our previous episodes for even more content to propel you to Amazon FBA Seller success! And don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook page and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to our podcast.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
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Published in: Serious Sellers Podcast

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