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#268 – Top 10 Strategies Most Amazon Sellers Don’t Know About

Today on the Serious Seller Podcast, Helium 10’s Director of Training and Customer Success, Bradley Sutton has a very special treat for listeners.

If you’ve listened to, read up on, or paid attention to Helium 10 over the last few years, you’ve heard us talk about our Amazon seller tools. We take pride in offering e-commerce sellers the data they need to make the best product choices possible. While we are proud to offer such a wide (and ever-expanding) variety of seller tools, the reality is, some get talked about much more than others. Today, Bradley is walking us through the B-sides, the hidden gems, and the soon-to-be cult classics. These are Helium 10 tools and features that aren’t always center stage, but can be equally (if not more) powerful than their popular counterparts.

Advanced rank filters, easy ways to stay on top of product trends, using sales data to predict the future, split-testing your brand imagery… the strategies below are just a small sampling of the Amazon seller smorgasbord Bradley is serving up. It doesn’t matter if you are an FBA seller, FBM veteran, wholesale savant, or arbitrage authority, this episode has something for everyone.


In episode 268, Bradley running down the Helium (Top) 10 tips that most sellers aren’t aware of:

  • 01:30 – Tip #1: Cerebro’s Advanced Rank Filter
  • 06:15 – Tip #2: Narrowing Down Which Product Variations are Selling Best
  • 10:35 – Tip #3: A Front of the Line Pass for Discovering Trending Products
  • 13:20 – Tip #4: An Easy Way to Calculate Profits for FBA or FBM
  • 15:35 – Tip #5: Using the Sales Estimator to Predict the Future
  • 18:25 – Tip #6: Streamlining the “Request a Review” Process With Automation
  • 21:00 – Tip #7: Most People Don’t Use These Black Box Filters…
  • 24:40 – Tip #8: Did You Know You Can Split-Test Listing Imagery with Helium 10?
  • 26:10 – Tip #9: Don’t Let Market Tracker Suggestions Go to Waste!
  • 31:05 – Tip #10: A Game-Changing New Column in Cerebro & Magnet     
  • 38:30 – How to Get 10% Off for Life

Enjoy this episode? Be sure to check out our previous episodes for even more content to propel you to Amazon FBA Seller success! And don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook page and subscribe to the podcast on iTunesGoogle Podcast or wherever you listen to our podcast.

Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Ultimate Resource Guide: Discover the best tools and services to help you dominate on Amazon.
  • Helium 10: 20+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation. 
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.


Bradley Sutton: On today’s episode, I’m going to give you guys a top 10 list of Amazon selling strategies you might not be using yet, including one that is brand new, and I’ve never even talked about it before. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think.

Bradley Sutton: Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I am your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s a completely BS, free unscripted and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the Amazon world. We’re doing a new kind of episode today. This is going to be a top 10 strategy episode. So these are the top 10 things that maybe you are not leveraging from Helium 10 that can help you in your Amazon business. And if you’re not a Helium 10 member, don’t worry about it. Don’t tune out. It’s okay. Because these strategies here, perhaps the tool that you use, you can do them in. You should still listen just to get the strategy part because this will help you, whether you’re a Helium 10 member or not. The last one guys is an announcement that I’m not sure by the time that this episode airs you guys would even have known about. So, this is something that I’ve never talked about, a brand new feature of Helium 10, so make sure to stay towards the end. Alright. So, here are the top 10 strategies you are not using right now.

Bradley Sutton: The very first one I want to talk about is actually in Cerebro, which is our reverse ASIN tool, and this is the Advanced Rank Filter. First of all, for those who don’t know, what does Cerebro do? What Cerebro does is you enter an ASIN or a group of ASINs from Amazon, from any of the different marketplaces that we support. And we’re going to show you all of the keywords that either one or any of those ASINs are ranking for organically, showing up in the search results or showing up in sponsored results or the keywords that Amazon recommends. And so that’s been the main function of Cerebro for years. But something that we developed about a year ago, and this was something that people were using Excel files like myself. I was using Excel files in order to do this. Is this what basically morphed into this advanced rank filter? So, let’s say I entered my seed ASIN and just Cerebro and then followed by like five ASINs. So maybe the seed ASEN easier, my product or a baseline product. And then I’m comparing it to like five or six of the top competitors. What you want to do is you want to put the top competitors, the ones that are most like my product that are getting the most sales and the most relevant to my product. Don’t just pick any random products. Many people ask, “Well, what does top or most relevant products mean?” Basically you need to ask yourself if somebody were to search for a keyword and they saw my product and this other product would we have a kind of equal chance to get the sale? If the answer is, yes, then that means that’s probably a main, one of your very relevant competitors. If the answer is no, you’ve got a pink baseball bat and the other one is a black baseball bat. It’s very unlikely that somebody searching for a baseball bat would have an equal chance at buying a pink or a black one. It’s either one or the other. Now, if we’re talking to black baseball bats, it’s a pretty equal chance. So, once you’ve determined who are the top competitors and the bestselling ones at that, put them all into Cerebro.

Bradley Sutton: Step one of finding the best keyword is still the same, and we’ve talked about that for a long time. What you want to do is you want to find the keywords where multiple competitors are all ranking very highly for, like if you put five competitors, you should probably say, “Hey, show me the ones where three out of four, or three out of five or four out of five are all ranking, but not only that, where they’re all ranking kind of like on page one.” So, you use the competitor rank average. And again, that’s not unique to Helium 10, I mean, we were the first ones to have that, but I think since then, other other tools have had that. So maybe if you’re not using Helium 10, your tool has that function too. That’s going to show you, which are the top keywords across multiple listings there on page one that are most relevant to you.

Bradley Sutton: So, now this is kind of step two. This is what a lot of people don’t do. This is why this made the top 10 list of things that you’re maybe not using at Helium 10. Step two is maybe there’s a keyword where only one or two of the top competitors are ranking very highly for it. And the other guys just aren’t ranking at all, or they’re ranking very low. And first of all, why would you want to know that? Well, the main keywords, yes, you want to get those in your listing, but you know, they’re going to be pretty competitive because Hey, everybody in your niche is on page one for it, right. But at the same time, maybe there’s another word where only one guy is cleaning up and the other guys, they don’t even know about that keyword, or they’re not optimized for it, or they’re not running PPC on it, right. So what I’m going to tell Cerebro to do is, Hey, show me the keywords or only one maximum one, or maximum two out of the five competitors are ranking highly for, right. And so which filter is that it’s all the way in the bottom. It’s called an advanced rank filter. I enter in a min and a max number of ASINs that I want to match this field or this characteristic. And the characteristic is a rank between X and Y. And I would maybe rank between one and 10. So what I like to do is I’ll put maximum ASINs two. Like, let’s say if I put five or six, and rank between one and 10 or one in 15, and what does that tell me? That tells me that, Hey, I want one where out of all these five or six or seven ASINs that I put in only one or two are ranking, like in the top 10 on page one, and again, why is that valuable? Well, it’s going to be a lot easier to rank for those. There’s a lot less competition. You’re not competing with all five or six of the top players. You’re only competing with one or two relevant guys. So that is the first one. I don’t think a lot of people are using that, but it’s available for everybody who’s got helium 10.

Bradley Sutton: Number two, no matter what tool you use that has a Chrome extension, Helium 10 was definitely not the first one to come out with Chrome extension. What happens? What happened last year or two years ago, is that any listing that has a variation, you will see the same estimated sales for all child items. All right. Does that mean that Helium 10, or tool B, or tool C are all saying that every single one of these child items, the red, white and the blue and the green are all doing 1000 sales a month? No, what it’s indicative of is all the child items put together are doing 1000 sales. And why do all tools have that? Well, what happened was Amazon is now giving the same in most categories, almost all categories. It wasn’t like this before, but they’re giving the same BSR best sellers ranking to all child items. And that bestseller ranking is basically a reflection of how all of the variations are doing together. That’s how that number works now. And so we don’t know which one is getting the sales. Back in the day, like three years ago, each child item had its own BSR. So you knew, okay, Hey, the red one is doing about 30 sales. The blue one’s doing about 10, the pink one is doing about five, et cetera, et cetera. But now we don’t have that kind of visibility. So, whatever tool you are using, you will see that it has the same number. So again, it does not mean that every single one is doing that number. All right. It means that all of the child items put together are doing that amount now. So, here’s the hack. All right. This is the way or the strategy, I should say, this is how you can get an estimate of which one is selling best. Because usually in almost all cases I see, the sales are not evenly distributed among the child items. It’s not like the one pack and the two pack and the three pack and the four pack are all getting exactly 25 sales each. No, very rarely is that. Usually one of the ASINs or one of the child items is dominating the sales, like with 50% of the sales and then the rest are all sharing the other 50%.

Bradley Sutton: One way that you can do it is you go to any listing on Amazon that has variations, click the Chrome extension, hit review insights. It’s a brand new interface actually that you guys might not even have seen, and a little window will pop up. And then what you do is I would specify and this, by the way, guys, this only works on things with like at least like a hundred to 200 reviews, or if it’s a brand new product, you can’t really do this, but if it has 100, 200 reviews, this works every time. Alright, click on review insights and then hit the date range of the last 60 days, right? Last 60 days, maybe last 90 days, if you want. All right. And then once that reviews are downloaded, what you’re going to do is there’s a tab there, the very last tab. You hit and it’s called Product Variations, hit that product variation. And it’s going to show you the breakdown of the reviews by the variation. So like right now, I’m looking at one right now, it’s some coffin coffin product on Amazon, and there’s a pink and an orange, and a blue and a black, right. But when I downloaded the last three months reviews, actually only three of the colors even had reviews. So the other ones are just either so new or they’re not getting sales and sure enough, the black one has got 76% of the reviews. And the rest of the pink and the purple is about like 10% each. So imagine before you’re doing your product research. Oh, I wonder which one sells the most. I need to invest in all of these, like equally I need to buy a hundred black and a hundred pink and a hundred purple. No, that would have been a big mistake. All right. So again, hit review insights go to the product variations after you download the last three months. And then when I say download, I don’t mean that you don’t have to download the actual file. This is all done right there on the Amazon window. And then a lot of times you’ll see which of the variations is selling the most. Now, just because this one says 76%, does that mean I’m going to go ahead and multiply 76% times the sales and that’s the exact sale that assessment? These are all estimations, as far as the sales goes, but there is no way that the black one getting 76% of the reviews is very close to the pink one, getting 13% of the reviews, as far as sales, obviously the black one is dominating. So there’s your number two strategy, that a lot of people are not using.

Bradley Sutton: Number three, Demand Analyzer. This is a tool that’s in the Chrome extension. Remember, Amazon or the Helium 10 Chrome extension doesn’t just work on Amazon. It works on other websites. So how do you use it on other websites? Once you’ve got the Chrome extension installed, and by the way, if you guys don’t have it installed, just go to As a matter of fact, if you guys are trying to find out more information on any of these tools, what are the other tools I mentioned is for the other one. All right. But anyway, review insights, by the way, that’s part of the Helium 10 Chrome extension. So, it’s the same link right there. So anyways, you go to and let’s say you found a product that you want to sell on Let’s say it’s a coffin shelf. A great way to do product research, click on that factory to see what their other products are. Usually, you can find some interesting things like, I’ve looked at some coffin shelf manufacturers and they have all kinds of weird products on there. What you do then is look on for what you think the main keyword that product is like, one on a coffin shelf. I saw one, it was called a nice butt bathroom box. It was like a little bathroom box that you put like little soaps in, and then it has the words nice butt there. You put your toilet paper or something there. And I’m like, what is this? But I actually typed it into Alibaba and sure enough, there were tons of results. Well, once you do that, hit the Chrome extension there and then hit the demand analyzer, and instantly you are going to see what kind of demand it has on Amazon. You’ll see on Amazon, what’s the search volume? What are the top sellers? What are the top keywords, et cetera. The same thing you can do if you’re on a Shopify website, the Helium 10 Chrome extension, we’ll pull up main keywords from there and analyze the demand on Amazon. If you’re on Etsy, it’ll extract the keywords that you’re searching there on Etsy if you’re doing your product research. The number one thing though that I think people don’t realize is it works on Pinterest trends. It’s a great way to get trending things. I mean, Pinterest trends is probably one of the first things on which something starts trending way before Etsy, way before Amazon things will start trending on Pinterest.

Bradley Sutton: If you’re on, start diving into some of those sub-niches there on that trends page, which tells you where the top things on Pinterest are, and then run the Helium 10 Chrome extension right there on that page. And you’ll see what the demand is on Amazon. Same thing for a Walmart as well. The, demand analyzer works. So that’s number three to get more information on how to download that Chrome extension for free. Alright, the next one is still talking about the Chrome extension, is Profitability Calculator. So, if I am on a page and I want to go ahead and kind of see how much money I could make once I did go to Alibaba, and then I got a quote, make sure to run the Profitability Calculator, but one thing that people don’t realize that we have, we have two kinds of profitability calculator. One for FBA and one for FBM. So, the FBA one is a no brainer. First of all, the strategy I want to give you guys here is play around with the dimensions a little bit. So, when you hit the profitability calculator on the page, it’ll automatically enter what the item’s dimensions are. But sometimes these dumb sellers on Amazon, they are like right over one of the borderlines for what goes to oversize and they don’t even realize it. So play with the length, width, and height on there, go up and down a little bit and see if it changes your size here, your quote to that, I mean, it could have a big difference. The example I always give to everybody is if you actually have 9x9x9, it’s a standard, it’s like a standard oversized or something like that is what it’s considered on Amazon.

Bradley Sutton: But if you just change, one of those sides makes it 9x9x8, all of a sudden it goes to a smaller tier. And it literally means like two to $4 less that you’re paying Amazon for shipping just by changing one. So that’s the first strategy of this one part. But the second part, like I said is now that we have the FBM one, remember I always recommend having a fulfilled by merchant listing at the same time that you have a fulfilled by Amazon listing for the people who don’t have Prime or the people ordering from other countries, as long as you have a way to fulfill products yourself. So, go ahead and hit FBM and then put what your shipping is just so you can kind of see what kind of price you would have to sell it at to keep the same profit margin as your FBA. A lot of times, since you’re saving money and not having to ship the product to Amazon, you could actually fulfill it for the same price. And you’re not paying Amazon for picking and packing it. You can actually fulfill the product for the same price and get the same profit, selling it for the same for the same retail prices FBA, but don’t guess on it, use the fulfilled by merchant calculator in the profitability calculator.

Bradley Sutton: Tip number five, strategy number five out of 10 is still again in the Chrome extension. And this is the sales estimator. Now this is specifically for wholesale or arbitrage sellers. So, if you are looking to get a niche and I’ve been getting into drop shipping, I’ve been getting into wholesale. I’ve been getting into arbitrage a little bit. And so I’ve used this a few times if I scroll down on any page that has a whole bunch of sellers. Let’s say it’s a wholesale product and 20 people are competing for the buy box. Even though there’s maybe 20 people selling it, remember you are only competing with the offers that are usually within 2% of the buy box. In other words, let’s say there’s a product and the buy box price is $30, right? Let’s say there’s a couple of sellers on there who are selling it for $40. Well, they will never get the buy box. No, they’re too far away from that buy box price. But if the price, if the buy box price is $30 and somebody else’s $29 is 97 cents, and another one is $30 and 3 cents or something, they’re within 2% of the buy box, they could share the buy box. Amazon usually will rotate the buy box, as long as their metrics are good. So, really the only ones you’re competing for sales with are the people who are within 2% of the buy box, the FBA people, right? So, if you are a wholesale seller arbitrage, and you’re like, man, should I get into this niche? Like how much sales would I get? Well, just go down, scroll down, hit the sales estimator. It brings in the buy box price. And then it tells you how many competitive offers there are. That means how many offers are within 2%. And then what you do is you just add one to that number. So like, let’s say I’m on this page. It says four, I’m going to put five. Why do I put five? Because I’m the fifth, like, I’m going to be the fifth seller that’s going to have a competitive offer. And then I hit the launch sales estimator. And what it does is it estimates the sales for that page that we already have, you know, using X-ray.

Bradley Sutton: Let’s say there’s an estimated $1,000 worth of sales or 1000 units a month, I should say, if now I divided that by five or what is it going to tell me that, Hey, if you add your product, maybe you’d sell about 200, right? Why 200? Well, because there’s 1000 sales estimated, and now there’s five competitive offers. So, if Amazon was rotating the buy box equally, if all things are equal, which again, they’re usually not equal, but just to give you an idea, Hey, you might do about 200 sales. So you wholesale sellers, arbitrage sellers. Or if you have a friend who has that, make sure to show them this in the Chrome extension, Sales Estimator. A lot of people don’t even realize we have that tool. Don’t forget guys in just a few ones, I’m going to give one that we’ve never given out before. Some of these I’ve talked about before, but the last one, one of the last ones I give, I have never talked about.

Bradley Sutton: Alright, we are now at number six, the number six out of 10, top Helium 10 strategy that you may not be using right now. And this is a no-brainer and it’s the Request to Review. So, some people think that Helium 10 Follow up is only for writing custom emails and it absolutely is for writing custom emails. That’s what I use it for. I set up a custom flow. I put in my custom email and I send that email asking for customer feedback or a product review from buyers. All right. And that’s how I do it. But a lot of people like to use the Amazon Request a Review button and that’s absolutely able to be automated within Helium 10 Follow- up, if you don’t want to make the custom emails. As a matter of fact, if you have been banned from sending out customer messages, which some people have, you can still do the Amazon request review, and you do not need to go one by one and push the button. You don’t even need to get a Chrome extension like Helium 10 has, but you don’t need to use it, that hits that button for you. No, you can do it with Follow up and why is it better to do it with Follow up? The reason it’s better to do it with Follow up is you can specify when it gets done. Like if you’ve got some kind of supplement, that’s for the skin. I mean, do you want to send her a review request as soon as they get the product? No, of course not. You want to wait probably like 20, 25 days after the get, so they have time to try it out, right? If you had a promotion on and you were giving out 40% off coupons, do you want to ask those people for reviews? Absolutely not. You don’t want to ask people who you gave a discount for reviews, because Amazon might view that as review manipulation.

Bradley Sutton: You would want to exclude those people, right? So all of these things I mentioned, you can actually automate that and specify in the flow using Follow up, you can say, Hey, Helium 10, send this request review only 20 days or 25 days or whatever, after the customer got the product. And only if there was a discount of 10% or less or no discount. In other words, if there was a 30% discount or something, what you do by specifying that is Helium 10’s not going to send the request review if they had a big discount, which is exactly what you want to do. There’s other things that you can do too. Like, Hey, only do it if the customer was in this country or only do it, if the customer speaks this language or whatever. So again, guys, no brainer, this is a hundred percent fully covered by Helium 10. If you have a Helium 10 membership, use Follow up for the Amazon request for a review, more information on

Bradley Sutton: We are at number seven of the top 10 strategies that you may not be using. Number seven is in Black Box, our product research. If you go to Black Box and go to the keywords tab, this is my favorite way of doing product research. So, the typical way of doing product research for keywords is I just say, Hey, show me a listing that, or show me a keyword where the results, the average they’re making X number of revenue, and maybe there’s an average of X number of reviews or less et cetera, et cetera, right? And there’s nothing wrong with doing that. That was what the original purpose was. But in the last year we have added more filters. So, a great way to find product opportunities on Amazon, Black Box for keywords, put a minimum and a max search volume, let’s say three to 6,000, 5 to 10,000, 15 to 20,000, whatever you want. I would go ahead and enter in a price range, the retail price range, maybe you don’t want a $7 product showing up. So, you want to have an average price of let’s say, I don’t know, 20 to $40. After that, skip everything else. Go to the very bottom of the advanced filters. All right, go to the very bottom of the advanced filters. And we have three filters there that most people again are not using competitor revenue, competitor reviews, and competitor ratings. And what do these do? These are laser focused on the top 10 results, not the whole product page, not the whole average, but the exact people that you would be competing for. The exact people who are probably getting the most sales for this keyword, the top 10 results. So for example, for competitor review, I have three options: more than 2,500, more than 5,000 or more than 10,000. So, maybe I want to see at least five out of the top 10 results on this, whatever keyword is going to show me has at least $5,000 revenue. So, I would put a minimum five right there in competitive revenue. The other one competitor reviews. The options are less than 50, less than 75, less than 150. Let’s see. I want to find a super new niche. Well, what I might do is I might say, Hey, I want a minimum of eight out of the top 10 search results to have less than 50 reviews or something crazy like that. I mean, there’s probably not that many that exist like that, but I could put that there.

Bradley Sutton: And guess what, it’s going to show me a keyword where the last time Helium 10 checked, sometime in the last week or the last few weeks where at least eight out of the top 10 had less than 50 reviews or 75 or whatever I had put. The competitor ratings is the other one. Maybe I want to find a keyword or out of the top 10, at least five had only three stars or something like that. Meaning that half the people who are in the top 10 don’t even like this product, right? I mean, I think it goes without saying why that would be beneficial, right? Like you want to find a niche where a bunch of products are getting sales, but people hate the product and you can probably improve on it. All right. So there’s a lot of different ways to do this, but guys, if you haven’t used this to find product opportunities and you’re stuck and you’re like, man, I’m just doing the same thing over and over, looking for products, forget about whatever filters are used. Use these advanced filters, competitor revenue, competitor reviews, and competitor ratings is at the very, very bottom of black box for keywords. And you can open up new opportunities right there. So, keep that in mind. That’s number seven. We’re getting to the end here, guys. I hope you’re having fun. Let’s go now. Oh, by the way, if you want to find out more about Black box. That’s

Bradley Sutton: Alright, let’s go to number eight. Helium 10 Audience. We’ve done a full podcast about it. I’ve done a webinar about it. I still don’t see enough people using it, right. I’ve been talking about Pick Fu for years where you can split tests. You can split test your images, your brands, your titles, your bullet points here, your logos, whatever you want to the actual Amazon buyer. So guys, you don’t even need a Helium 10 account. You can just go to to use this program, but get in there. Actually, you do need a Helium 10 account, but it doesn’t have to be a paid account. You could have a free account and use this because you pay per use. But absolutely guys, you’ve got to be using Helium 10 Audience. If you have a product that you’re about to launch on Amazon, don’t just guess, which is the best main image. Don’t just guess what is a great title. Don’t just guess what is the best price point. Test it before the product goes live using the audience, go into your target market. Say, Hey, I want to hear from 50 Amazon Prime members who are female from the age of 25 to 35, if that’s your target audience. And then within like a couple of hours, you’ll get detailed replies as to which one they think is best. And you’re going to get very actionable insights. All right. Don’t guess, guys about your own product. Do the market research for Helium 10 Audience.

Bradley Sutton: Just two left here. Number nine. The number nine thing that you are not using yet is Market Tracker for product targeting. Now, Market Tracker is a tool that has been around for like a couple of years. And the problem though is, that some people are just too laser focused on it. And which is fine. I mean, the main focus or the main purpose of Market Tracker is what you do is you throw in your product and then you throw in like five of your top keywords. And then we’re showing you like, what piece of the pie you have compared to your competitors, right. And that’s great if you’re not using it for that purpose, then you’re missing out. You absolutely should be using it for that purpose. And then you could see like, is your market share or your share of voice going up, going down, how is the market volume going up and down? But here’s the thing, what Helium 10 is doing every day is it’s going out there and trying to find other products that are competing with yours. Based on the information you put in, and then it’s suggesting them to you like, Hey, go check them out, go check this product, go check this product out, to see if this is one of your competitors that you need to be tracking. And that’s great, absolutely keep doing that. But here’s the thing. Sometimes you don’t look at it for like one month or two months, which I don’t think you should be doing, but in case you do, and you see a whole bunch of products that fell off the wagon, they’re way ranked really low. And you’re like, oh, I’m going to ignore it because this product is not even in stock, but guess what guys, this is, what’s cool. People sometimes do that PPC test listing or a test listing in order to get some market research before they launch a product, right? Just like we talked about in Project X, and this will detect that. All right, so guys, don’t just discard it. If you see it’s out of stock now, or it’s ranked really low, get a heads up and start tracking these sellers. All right. So, there might be a product that comes up as a suggested one for you to track. Don’t ignore it just because it’s out of stock, keep it there. And then watch that seller. They might, in a couple of months, come back and start selling a product just like that.

Bradley Sutton: Maybe they were just doing product research. So that’s one thing. The second thing is you’re going to get a lot of great ideas here, even if they’re not ones that you should track that are direct competitors to you, these are great opportunities for Amazon PPC product targeting or sponsored display or sponsored brand product targeting. Why is that? For example, when I had a market for the coffin shelf, there were some suggestions that I ignored. I was like, you know what, no, I don’t want this to be part of my market. I really don’t care what their sales are because it’s not a coffin shelf. I was only wanting to track coffin shelves in my market, but the suggestions it would give me was like, you know, I forgot what kind of Gothic curtain. And then there was another thing where it was like ice cubes shaped like a skull or something like that. Right. So for me, I really don’t care about those products. They’re not competing with my coffin shelf, but guess what? Helium 10’s algorithm was able to determine that, Hey, these are kind of in the same ballpark as yours. So, you might want to take a look at it. So even though I hit ignore, what did I do? I copied those ASINs down and I put them into a product targeting campaign. It’s a great way to get unique product targeting ideas by using Market Tracker to see what is coming on Market Tracker’s radar. And just to test this out, I actually looked at some of these at my reports, my PPC reports and sure enough, some of the ASINs that showed up in market tracker, they actually showed up in an auto campaign for PPC. And I got conversions on them. So Amazon by itself showed me, or showed the coffin shelf for these other products. And somebody saw it on that other page and they bought it. But guess what I mean, when did that happen? That was only because Amazon showed me that if I had been watching Market Tracker from before I could have taken a proactive approach and started targeting it way before and maybe got sales earlier. So guys, this is a method that absolutely would work. So again, Market Tracker, don’t just use it to track your share of voice, but use it in order to number one, see who’s doing like test listings, and who’s like trying to feel out the market. So, you can make sure they’re on your radar and also use it in order to get some ideas on who you can target in PPC product targeting that maybe your other competitors aren’t even thinking about, because they’re only focused on if they’re a coffin shelf, they’re only targeting other coffin shelves or something like that.

Bradley Sutton: We have come to number 10. The number 10 thing that you’re not using. And actually I’m not even sure if this is going to be available at the time that this podcast is going to come out. It probably should be. It probably should be. But just in case it’s not, it will be out soon, or probably it’s only out to Elite members. And this one’s like, guys, this is a, I don’t know if I want to call this #gamechanger, but it’s pretty amazing. You guys know obviously about the Maldives honeymoon method that we’ve talked about in episodes 200 and 250. So, one of the biggest parts of the Maldives honeymoon method is how on the title, we try to say, Hey, target some keywords that you have in the title, but not many other listings on page one having the title. And so, one of the updates we made a while back in x-ray was like, let’s say I’m on Amazon and I’m on a product result page on Amazon. And I hit x-ray. I can actually use a filter there, right? And I can see how many listings there are on that page that have that searched keyword in the title. So, that saved a lot of time because before you would have to download all those titles into Excel and then run a filter, and it was kind of a pain in the neck. So, that saved a lot of time. But now you can actually do this as part of your product and keyword strategy. So now in Cerebro and Magnet, when you run any search here, there is now a new column that you want to see, guys. And this is really important, that is called– I’m not sure what it’s going to be called. It might be called number of titles or something like that. But what it is, is it basically means the last time that Helium checked out of the 50 organic results on page one, how many listings on that page had this keyword in phrase form in the title. That deserves how cool that is, guys. So for example, you can find some bull minds out there. And again, why is this important? If you can find keywords that barely have any listing on there in the title, and you have it in the title, you almost instantly get to page one. Just right off the bat. You’ll get on page one almost. And then if not, it’s very, very simple, like very, very easy to get to the top five listings with search, find, buy, or some other strategy or PPC or whatever you’re doing.

Bradley Sutton: For example, I just typed in a coffin shelf into Magnet. I have this active on my account. Again, I’m not sure if it’s going to be active for everybody yet. Probably by the time you’re listening to this, at least Elite members will have this and for the rest like Diamond and Platinum, if you guys don’t see it yet, you’ll see it soon. You might already have it already, but anyways, I typed in the coffin shelf and I did a filter. I did a filter. I said, Hey, show me the keywords here that have at least 5,000 searches a month out of these thousands and thousands of keywords. And then show me a keyword that has less than five ASINs or five titles. Have it in phrase form in their title, right on page one. And I found some pretty amazing ones. Here’s one goth kitchen that doesn’t even seem like a long tail keyword, right? It’s a pretty short keyword, 5,000 searches a month goth kitchen at the time that I’m recording this podcast, only one listing out of the top 50, even have that in the title for a 5,000 search. So guess what? Number one, if I have a goth kitchen product, like the coffin shelf, somebody might want to put their spices in a kitchen, in a coffin shelf who knows, right. I’m going to get on page one pretty easily if I put goth kitchen in my title, but this can be a way of product research. Maybe I just happened to come across a word on my own in Magnet and Cerebro. And I’m like goth kitchen, shoot. I could probably crush this keyword. What kind of goth kitchen products come up with? Well, what am I going to do? I’m going to go to Etsy. I’m going to go to Pinterest. I’m going to type, you know what? I’m going to do that right now. I’ve never even done this. I’m doing this live, guys I’m not making this up or preparing for this. I’m going to go to And it’s not letting me do it. There we go. I’m going to I’m going to type in a goth kitchen. I’m doing this right now. You guys can do this at home too. Let’s see. I’m just looking at some weird products here. It’s like a spooky looking cat that is a salt and pepper set. I’m looking at a cauldron. Is that like an urn where you put ashes or something? Cookie jar. I’m looking at, oh my goodness. Look at this. A coffin knife holder. Say what? Coffin knife holder on here. Here is a dark black goth, skulls kitchen, like a kitchen towel here.

Bradley Sutton: What else do we have here? Here’s a bat shaped cutting board. There’s a bunch of crazy stuff on here. A skull dish sponge. Guess what guys? Here, I’m recording a live podcast and I just came up with about seven or eight different product ideas. Aren’t you guys telling me that you can’t find a product to sell on Amazon? Guys, this is like taking candy from a baby. All right. This is so easy. Like I just found this keyword because I entered the coffin shelf and out came in Magnet, this word goth kitchen that told me that there’s only one title that has it on page one. I typed that into Pinterest and I just had like seven product ideas. And I’m not saying, “Hey, everybody go sell these products.” Obviously it would take a lot more research to know if these are viable, but that was just one of the keywords that came up here. I mean, there’s tons of keywords here that came up in this Magnet search, goth room decor. What else do I see? Hanging wall decor, Victorian decor, Halloween kitchen, steampunk decor, boho bathroom accessories. Boho bathroom accessories, only one listing has it in the title on page one. That’s crazy. Viking decor. What the heck? There are 7,000 people a month searching for Viking decor? Who would have known that? All right, guys, this is an amazing way to do some product research by doing keyword research. So, guys that is brand new into your Amazon accounts– or not your Amazon account, into your Helium 10 accounts. Right now, if you’re Elite or maybe if you don’t see it yet, don’t worry. It’ll be coming to your Helium 10 accounts really soon.

Bradley Sutton: So anyways, guys, there’s probably a hundred different strategies that people are not using with Helium 10. And so like every few months I’ll do what are these top 10 episodes on what I think that people aren’t using. And again, whether you have Helium 10 or not, if your tool has some of these features, use these in order to help your Amazon business. I mean, this thing that I just talked about about the titles, I mean, you don’t even need Helium 10 for that. You can just look at listings and then you just count one by one. Obviously that would take you an hour opposed to like three seconds by using Helium 10. But if you don’t have Helium 10, by all means, do it the slow way. But don’t just like, listen to this episode and think how cool this sounds actually go out and do it guys. Especially those of you who have Helium 10. If you don’t have Helium 10 and you want to get started, just go to and you could use our podcast discount coupon to get 10% off for life SSP10. Right? So sign up for an account, do Platinum or Diamond, and then use the coupon code SSP10, and you’ll be able to get 10% off. So anyways, which one is your favorite tip that I gave out today? Which one did you know about? Make a thread in the Helium 10 users or Helium 10 members Facebook group. And let me know, give me a tag and let me know which one you liked and if you like these, and I’ll definitely be doing more of these episodes. So thank you guys. And we want you to keep on crushing it. Talk to you later.

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Published in: Serious Sellers Podcast

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