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Skyrocket Your Amazon Conversion Rate with Targeted Keywords

Improving your Amazon conversion rate for products in your storefront can be a daunting task, but an easy way to get more sales is finding and targeting the right keywords on your listings.

Keywords are very important with anything that you do on the Internet because everyone uses them as they are searching for what they are looking for. The keywords that people use are often different, but there are certain ones that always get used more than others, particularly for boosting a product’s Amazon conversion rate.

These popular keywords are the ones that you will want to use on your Amazon listings.

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You only get so much space on your Amazon page and you will want to use it all to sell your product. However, do not make the mistake that I see so many people do all the time…


By the time the consumer has reached your page, they know the type of product they are looking for! So, do not use your precious real estate to tell them what it does or how it works. They already know that information!

I urge you to use your page to convince them that your product is the one out of all the rest that they NEED to purchase. To do this and increase your Amazon conversion rate for the listing, you can mention the features that your product has and why each one will benefit the consumer.

You will begin with choosing a title for your page, and while you can use a keyword or two in it, this is more of a spot for people to know exactly what you are selling.

I feel like a title never helps with an Amazon conversion rate, but it does help with traffic to your page. A person will click on your page if your title has what they are looking for in it.

Once you have your title figured out, it is time to work on your bullet points and your description. These two items are what can change and improve the Amazon conversion rate of your products.

amazon listing optimization

Here are the 9 steps that you need to take when you are completing your bullet points and description for a better Amazon conversion rate:

1. Use Magnet to Validate Your Keywords

Magnet is a great option for determining which keywords will work best for your page. There are many times when you may think that you know the keyword, but most people call your product something else.

One example that I can think of for this is a water hose.

You may think that “water hose” is your keyword, but once you use Magnet, you may find that your main keyword should actually be “garden hose” since it has an exact search volume per month of 140,000, while “water hose” only has 40,000!

2. Use Your Keywords to Find Your Top Competitors Based on Their BSR

Once you have determined your keywords, you will want to do a search on Amazon to see what (or who) shows up as ranking for those keywords. Using the results that you find on page one of your search, choose the five sellers who have the better Best Seller Rank (BSR).

For those who don’t know, the lower the BSR number, the higher ranking it is, so look for the lowest numbers possible from your search.

3. Use Cerebro to Run a Reverse ASIN Search on Your Top Five Competitors

As soon as you find your five top competitors, you will need to use Cerebro to run a reverse ASIN search to uncover all the keywords they are currently ranking for and download onto a spreadsheet (I like using Google Sheets). Getting a list of over 10,000 keywords is normal, so don’t be surprised.

4. Sort the Information Based on Search Volume from Highest to Lowest

When you have all your information downloaded, you will want to sort it so that it is based on the search volume from highest to lowest. I never use any of the keywords that are less than 1,000 per month, but you can choose to use the ones that have 500 if you want. Since my niche is super competitive, I don’t bother with the lower ones.

5. Copy and Paste the Information into Frankenstein

The next step is to copy all those keywords into Frankenstein so that the program can remove all of the duplicates for you.

6. Use Scribbles to Write Your Listing

It is finally time to write your listing, and you will use Scribbles for this. Priority of keywords goes like this:

  1. Title
  2. Bullets
  3. Descriptions

Use as many keywords for this as you can, in this level of priority.

BACKEND: Select from remaining keywords that are unused—You only have 250 characters for the backend though, so you will need to choose them carefully.

I also place a Spanish word or two in my backend because numerous Spanish speaking people will search Amazon using their native language and I do not want to miss out on selling to them.

My tip to you for the Spanish words is to find a person that speaks Spanish and ask them for the word instead of trying to use Google translate!

7. Re-Read Your Bullet Points and Description

Once your bullet points and description are written, please go back and re-read it to make sure that it will make sense to everyone else!

I can’t tell you how many pages I have left, because I had no idea what the person was talking about in their description. I have seen so many people stuff so many keywords into their page that it looked like I was trying to read an algorithm instead of trying to make a purchase.

If you cannot write well, I suggest that you hire someone on Fiverr or Upwork for assistance. Let them know that you need to keep as many of the keywords as possible, but that your sentences need to make sense to everyone.

8. Ensure That Your Keywords Are Indexed

I utilize the Index Checker to ensure that my keywords have been indexed. I check my keyword statuses on a weekly basis. There are times that certain keywords are in your listing, but for whatever reason, they are not indexed.

Try to move those keywords from your bullet points to your description or vice versa. Keep moving them until they are indexed.

Wait 15 minutes each time you make a change before checking for index status changes; typically, any changes take about that much time for it to be “read” by Amazon.

9. Split Test

You may also want to use Splitly or another split testing software to see if your customers are liking the way your listing is done. You may think that it is fabulous, but if your customers do not, you won’t sell anything.

I would start by testing the parts of your listings in this order:

  1. Main image
  2. Title
  3. Bullet points
  4. Description

Make sure you test only ONE variable at a time.



Think about this for a second—If I convert twice the amount of people, given the same number of clicks, doesn’t it make sense that my advertising dollars should be cut in half? Many people forget this fact.

If you are not sure of what your conversion rates are, you can easily check them by going to Amazon Seller Central, clicking on Reports, and then Business Reports.

On the left-hand column, you will click on the detailed report based on ASIN and a large table will come up. The column on that table that states “unit session percentage” is your conversion rate.

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If your conversion rate is 10% or less, you have a lot of work to do. I believe that 15% is decent, but I strive for at least 20%.

I don’t stop tweaking my information until I have exceeded that number. I currently have two products with a conversion rate of 30%, and I recently just stopped tweaking those.

I crushed the competition because of my super low ACOS, and one by one, I trampled on them all. I now remain at #1 in my niche, and the #2 guy isn’t even close. I know this is a lot of work, but the rewards are so worthwhile. I encourage you to give this method a try and see your Amazon conversion rate for products skyrocket!

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Published in: BlogKeyword Research

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