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How to Make an Amazon Storefront

An Amazon Storefront is a new enhanced way to sell your products on Amazon. It gives Brand Registered sellers an opportunity to beautifully showcase all their products in one easy destination. It also helps Amazon shoppers learn more about your brand story and discover your complete product portfolio.

Benefits of Creating an Amazon Storefront

Did you know that you can drive traffic to your Amazon Store using both sponsored advertising and outside traffic from social media and email?

Here are some other important benefits:

✅ Help Improve Conversion Rates

✅ Increase Product Sales and Average Cart Value

✅ Lower PPC Costs

✅ Generate Higher Customer Loyalty and Repeat Purchases

✅ Provide a Better Overall Shopping Experience for Your Customers

What is an Amazon Storefront? 

An Amazon Storefront is a platform for Brand Registered businesses to display, organize, and sell all their products in one easy location. It’s kind of like having a virtual retail store where you showcase all of your products neatly on “virtual shelves.”

With over 2.5 million businesses that sell on Amazon, it is super important to find ways to stand out from the competition and make your brand memorable! Adding an attractive Amazon Storefront for your brand has become even more essential if you want to win on Amazon.

Amazon online storefront

How to Create an Amazon Storefront

Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0:

Before you can create an Amazon storefront for your brand, you must enroll in Amazon Brand Registry 2.0. Obtaining Brand Registry unlocks a suite of free tools designed to help you build, promote, and protect your brand. Plus, it helps to create a better shopping experience for your customers. 

To apply for Brand Registry, you will need a registered trademark. We recommend using

After, you will be ready to complete the following steps:

✅ Sign in to your Amazon Seller Central or Amazon Vendor Central account

✅ Supply your brand name (must match the active registered trademark)

✅ Provide your government-registered trademark number

✅ List the product categories that apply to your brand

✅ List the countries that manufacture and distribute your brand’s products

Amazon will then review your application. They will contact the individual associated with the registered trademark and ask additional questions to see if your company meets the Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 requirements. Your approval timeline will vary. It ranges anywhere from 24 hours to over a month before you’re ready to create an Amazon Storefront. 

When Amazon has approved your application, you will receive a verification code that you can use to enroll in the program. 

Setting up Your Amazon Store

Hooray! You’ve made it through the first initial steps of getting enrolled. Now, it’s time to learn how to create an Amazon storefront. 

✅ Log into your Amazon Seller Central or Amazon Vendor Central account 

✅ Click “Storefront” from the main navigation bar

✅ Select “Create Store” on the following page

✅ Choose your brand’s name from the pop-up box 

✅ Click “Create Store”

If you’re having trouble finding your brand’s name in the pop-up box, make sure you’ve completed step #1 with Amazon Brand Registry 2.0. Only approved brands will appear during this step. 

You’ll then be prompted to add your brand name and logo. While this is a fairly straightforward process, some companies mess up by selecting a brand name that isn’t easily recognizable to their customers. 

For example, say your “formal” brand name was Apple Inc. Although this may be what you have on all your paperwork, your customers are unlikely to search “Apple Inc.” Instead, they’d probably just search “Apple,” so it would make more sense to label your storefront as such. 

Make your brand easily recognizable with a logo of at least 400 x 400 pixels. Logos are an important part of branding, so don’t skip this step!

Formatting Your Amazon Storefront Design 

After you’ve created your store, Amazon will take you to its store builder. If you’re concerned about creating an appealing design, don’t worry! Creating your own Amazon Store is much like using a website builder. You’ll be able to customize your design by dragging and dropping content “tiles” into a pre-created layout. 

Here are the different elements that you’ll need to consider during this process:


Product or brand images can be added to the Amazon Store. They must be at least 1500 x 1500 pixels, and they can be added on their own or with a text overlay.


Videos are a compelling way to advertise a product. Videos must be at least 1280 x 640 pixels and less than 100 MB. Keep in mind that they must not contain any links or references to external websites. 


Adding a text tile is one of the best ways to:

  • Tell your brand story
  • Display memorable marketing taglines
  • Highlight useful benefits
  • Explain product features
  • Share a call to action


Products from your Amazon inventory can be added to your Amazon Store using keywords or ASINs. This will auto-populate the price, primary image, and Amazon Prime badge (if applicable). 

Need some inspiration? Take a look at these high-converting Amazon Storefronts:

Optimize Your Amazon Storefront for Conversions 

In many ways, creating your Amazon Store is just like launching your own e-commerce website. You want it to be easy to navigate, engaging to view, and compelling to buy from. That’s ultimately what will make it convert. 

After you’ve taken the time to add images, text, videos, and product information, take a break and come back to your Amazon Store in both desktop and mobile preview mode. Look at it as though you’re a customer – not the business owner. 

What do you think of your product? Would you buy what you’re selling? Would you be impressed with the page and the presentation? 

Go through the same process with a handful of people who are either on your team or unbiased customers who fit your target demographic. What feedback do they have? Is there anything that stands out to them (for better or worse) that you missed when you were reviewing it? Ask for their feedback and then incorporate it into your store. It’s an extra step that will help your store perform better! 

Maximize the Power of Your Brand with an Amazon Store

Creating an Amazon Storefront is becoming even more important to compete on Amazon. It’s a great way to build your brand equity and create a better connection with your customers!  Plus, it’s free, easy, and effective to give you the competitive edge you need to get results!

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